Conversation with 911

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Max pov: I would've pull the blade out of his forehead and put it in my chest so I can have more pain than him but I was afraid it would hurt him or I might do something wrong so  I grabbed my phone and started dialing 911 and they answered and this is what happen: 911: This is 911 what's your emergency?
Max: My brother h-he has a blade in his forehead... I was cutting myself a lot and now I'm bleeding a lot and and I got mad at myself and started yelling at myself before he walked in and than I threw the blade at the door and I - i  didn't saw him opening the door because it was lock so he must've picked at the lock and h-he now has the blade in his forehead and he is bleeding a lot... please help my brother.. I don't give a fuck  about me just help my brother....
911: okay we be there in a few. Where do you live and who am I talking to?
Max: M-max mills and my brother is name H-harvey mills and I live at -says street and adress-
911: Okay Max you going to have to remain calm.. we are going to send a ambulance for you and your brother.. is your parents here?
Max: yes they all in the living room and all of our other family..
911: We going to be there soon, we are driving as fast as we can and how old are you and your Brother?
Max:W-w e-e are both 14
911: so you both  going to be in high school. and is he still breathing??
Max: Yes
911: We are at your front door right now, come out and answer your door and than show us where Harvey is. Okay?
Max: ...Okay
Max: hangs up phone-

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