An Unwelcome Appointment

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Chapter 3

An Unwelcome Appointment

I arrived just outside of Hogsmeade. It was too late to get my chocolate now, but I felt I needed the extra long walk to clear my head. With everything that had been going on with Jonathan this summer, to talk of his father, even to Black's escape, there was a lot running through my mind.

I hadn't thought of Jonathan's father in years. There once was a time when he was all I could think about. The pain of his departure kept me up at night, until I accepted the truth. Lately, however, thoughts of him had begun to resurface, and not just tonight. It was difficult to keep all thoughts of him away, especially when Jonathan looked so much like him. The way he styled his hair, the way he instantly made friends with a pair of mischief makers, even the way he laughed reminded me of his father.

I knew Jonathan needed a father, perhaps at this age more than ever. I told Molly there wasn't a chance of his real father coming back into his life, but I began to wonder how true that statement was. What would his father say today, if he knew how things had turned out? What words of wisdom would he pass on to his son?

I had unknowingly stopped and I was staring up at the full moon as I contemplated on whether or not I should try to reach out to his father, when suddenly the air around me turned icy cold. It was nearly as cold as the air at Glacier Peake. The chill was quickly followed by a bout of great sadness. Every horrible moment I had faced, every terrible loss I had suffered came rushing to the surface.

I fumbled for my wand inside my robe. It took very little effort to conjure up the spell I needed anymore. Within seconds a bright silver Patronus burst from the tip of my wand and chased away the Dementor. When the threat was gone, my Patronus returned to me and sat at my feet. It looked up at me, tail curling around its paws, as though it was waiting for further instructions.

"Come on then," I said, and my silver leopard accompanied me back to the castle.

The air in the castle was warm and inviting; it always felt like home to me. I sent Jonathan's books floating back to his dormitory while I headed for my own quarters.

"Ah, Professor Porter, you've returned."

I turned in the direction of the voice to see Dumbledore walking towards me.

"Good evening, Headmaster," I replied.

"You know you may call me by name now."

"And I've asked the same of you."

"I will gladly use your name, when you choose to acknowledge it."

I sighed. The subject of names was a tired disagreement between us. "'Katherine' is my name, Albus. 'Kate' died twelve years ago, along with everything else."

The old Professor smiled sadly, but he let the matter drop. "Where is Jonathan?"

"At the Leaky Cauldron with the Weasleys. He wanted to ride the train back."

"Ah, very good then. Do you have moment? There are a few things I'd like to discuss before the students arrive."

"Does one of those things include the Dementors you have out by the gate?" I asked as we turned and headed for his office.

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