Padfoot and Leo

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Chapter 26

Padfoot and Leo

I was in shock when I arrived at the Burrow. When Molly walked out fifteen minutes later, I was still in shock. When she said the only name she knew me by, I lost it. I sobbed as she led me inside and fixed me a cup of soothing herbal tea. After about twenty minutes, and a horde of strange looks from the boys, I was finally calm enough to talk.

I told her and Arthur everything...about me, about Remus and Jonathan, and even about Sirius. The words came tumbling out as easily and as steadily as the tears had. I held back none of my concerns about losing my boys; I kept no secret hidden. All the while, Molly never once pulled back, created space between us, or looked disgruntled. In the end she actually moved towards me and wrapped her arms around me.

"I don't understand. H-how are you not mad at me right now?" I asked, choking back tears.

"Why would I be?" Molly asked.

"Because, I...I lied about who I was."

"You did not," she insisted.

I thought perhaps she had misheard me, so I looked to Arthur. Be he didn't seem at all surprised by his wife's reaction.

"You may have lied about your name," Molly continued. "But I don't like you because I think your name is Katherine. It doesn't change who you are. I like you because you're my friend. You could tell me you wanted to change your name to Bob tomorrow, and I'd like you just the same; though, I would question your motives."

I gave a snort of laughter before my eyes filled with tears once more. "But...I...I killed your brothers."

"Nonsense. Dolohov killed them."

"Yes, Dolohov, my father. The father I pulled from the fire. I saved him and he killed them. Just like he killed Ruth, and Janice, and..."

"And countless others, but that does not mean that you killed them."

"Katherine, your actions that day came from a place of pure selflessness. What Dolohov chose to do with his second chance at life was his decision and his alone. His actions in no way reflect upon you or your character," Arthur said.

I was moved to tears by his sincerity.

"Arthur's right you know," Molly said.

I nodded as I brushed away my tears. "I guess with the way my other rounds of confession have gone, I wasn't expecting this reaction."

Molly smiled warmly and tapped my hand. Then with a sudden burst of energy she asked, "Have you had dinner?"

"No, I..."

"Good! Then it's settled! You'll eat with us tonight! I have a chicken roasting."

There really was no point in trying to persuade her otherwise. If Molly said you were eating with them, then you were eating with them.

The days passed slowly. Molly came by floo every so often to see how I was doing, but there was no word from Jonathan. I'd written to Remus a couple of times and he wrote back ensuring me that Jonathan was fine and that he'd still be home before the full moon. But everything else was silent. I had no idea what they were discussing or what they were doing.

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