Pina Coladas and Shield Charms

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Chapter 6

Piña Coladas and Shield Charms

I watched Remus' popularity soar with the kids after his boggart lesson. He hadn't just won favor with the third year Gryffindors, however. Apparently he had managed to have equally impressive lessons in his other classes. The only students who seemed immune to his charm were those in Slytherin house. I had no doubt Snape was to thank for that.

Also following the boggart lesson, Remus and I began spending more time together. It was easier than I thought it would be, but then again, Remus and I always had a deep connection. I once told his Mum that you almost couldn't help but love Remus. It seemed that was still true.

As with Hogsmeade, we avoided talking about the past. I didn't ask about his past, knowing it would be difficult (for us both), in hopes that he wouldn't ask about mine. It worked, for the most part. I didn't want to have to make up any more stories than necessary. We also usually met in the staff room on his breaks or over the weekends, and avoided the intimacy of each other's office...until late September.

As the first full moon approached, the old familiar symptoms became visible. His face paled, he moved slower, and he looked a little sicker each day. I found myself wondering if it had gotten worse with age, or had I simply forgotten what it was like? The night before the moon, Remus asked me during dinner if I would accompany him back to his office. I figured he was probably going to ask about his classes, so I obliged.

"I swear his favorite game was 'Make Mummy Run Around 'Till She's Mental.' One flying toy was never enough."

Remus laughed. "That used to be my favorite game too. I would have succeeded in driving my Mum mad if it wasn't for my Dad and his magic stick."

There was a slight pause as his cheeks tinted. "I apologize if that came out in a manner I didn't intend for it to."

I laughed. "I have a son who's fourteen, Remus. I've heard...and seen worse. I've punished for worse as well. It is a small comfort, however, to know that Jonathan isn't the only one who liked to drive his Mum mad."

We climbed the spiral staircase to his office. The Defense office was the only office that couldn't be reached by any other means than through the classroom. There wasn't much adornment in his office, as Remus chose to keep most of his things in the classroom itself. There was, however, one particular adornment that caught my attention right away.

"Remus..." I put out my arm to stop him quickly. Then I pointed to the corner. "You have a sonophone in your office, did you know that?"

He chuckled. "As a matter of fact, I did know."

"I haven't seen one of these in years!" I exclaimed as I went to admire the old classic player. "My parents used to have one in our lounge. My Mum, she was a witch, but she had a fondness for Muggle rock-n-roll."

I looked back at him. He was leaning against the front of his desk, arms crossed over his chest, and an amused smile playing on his lips. There was a hint of joviality in his eyes despite his sickly appearance. My heart did that strange little flutter thing again.

"I remember the first time I recall seeing one," I said. "I had just moved into my new house, and I couldn't sleep, so I went to the kitchen with the intent to make a glass of warm milk. I came across my parents in the lounge however. They were dancing to a Johnny Rivers' song; they looked so happy and in love, and I don't recall ever seeing that before. Then they saw me. I was scared they were going to be mad because I was out of bed. But my Dad, he... he just opened his arms up to me and welcomed me over. And the three of us danced. It's the first real, positive memory I have of them."

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