A Family Dinner

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Chapter 28

A Family Dinner

"They're coming!" Sirius exclaimed with giddy excitement.

"What?" I asked.

"Harry's coming over! Little Man did it!"


I quickly stopped what I was doing. I wiped at my eyes to make sure I wasn't crying. I could hardly believe it. For the first time in nearly a month, Harry would be forced to be in close proximity to me. Maybe there was hope of restoring what was once between us.

The front door opened and Jonathan and Harry's laughter floated in. Then Harry walked around the corner and saw Sirius. He called out his name in a cry of excitement and Sirius embraced him. Sirius laughed with glee. When they separated, Harry greeted Remus with a warm smile. But his eyes turned cold and his smile faded when he saw me though, and it stung like a jab to the heart. Remus noticed and looked my way; I went back to cooking.

"How long have you been here?" Harry asked, quickly turning his attention back to Sirius.

"Just a few days," Sirius replied. "I would have sent you an owl, but your Aunt doesn't have one," he added with intent.

Harry bit back with, "My Aunt is across the street."

I dropped the plate I was holding rather roughly onto the others, making a great clatter. I knew everyone turned to look at me, even though I currently had my back to them.


"Dinner is ready," I choked out.

I proceeded to line up the food on the counter as they made their way over; my dining table was too small for the five of us and the food. I stepped aside allowing them to go first. Harry brushed by me without a glance in my direction, but Remus came up to me and placed a hand on the small of my back. He quickly removed it however.


"I'm fine," I whispered. "He's here at least, right?" I looked up at Remus and quickly caught the tear before it could fall.

We sat down to dinner. Harry and Sirius jumped right into a conversation that Jonathan and Remus could easily participate in. I was kept mostly out of it, despite Sirius' attempts to draw me in. When they started talking about the map, though, I just couldn't seem to help it.

"Wait," Jonathan said as he turned towards Sirius. "You helped create The Marauder's Map?"

"Messrs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs," I muttered, nodding my head towards Remus and Sirius as I said their names.

"You know about the Marauders Map too?"

"The better question, Jonathan, is how do you know about it?"

Jonathan grinned. "I found Fred and George using it one afternoon. Now it's your turn, Mum."

Sirius laughed. "Of course she knew about it. Who do you think drew the template for the castle?"

"Well it wasn't me!" I protested.

"No sense in playing innocent."

"I'm not..."

Suddenly Remus started coughing, which sounded suspiciously like he was choking on laughter. I turned my head to look at him. I could see easily the failed attempt at a suppressed smile.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"What makes you think I did anything?" He tried to ask innocently.

"Because I'm not daft and I know that look."

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