Hope-Full Memories

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Chapter 4:

Hope-Full Memories

Though there were only two days in the first week of school, the arrival of the weekend came at no less of a relief than if it had been a full week.

The students were restricted to visiting Hogsmeade Village to only a few weekends each year. The professors and staff had no such restrictions. One weekend every month we were "on duty" meaning we were to stay on the grounds and keep an eye on the students. However, most of the time everyone stayed around the castle anyways so if you needed to switch your weekend from one week to the next you easily could. That first weekend, I went into Hogsmeade seeking relief and to pick up a few things Jonathan had forgotten.

Remus' presence in the castle left me in a perpetual state of confusion. Sometimes I was so angry with him I could hardly breathe. Other times he seemed to be in such pain that I felt guilty for being angry. We'd had a few conversations, mostly at meals. They were nothing as substantial as that first conversation after breakfast; they were mostly small talk, but they were easy to have. After everything that went down between Remus and Kate, Remus and Katherine could still talk easily.

And that confused me. How was it possible to feel so angry, yet feel guilty for being angry, and still manage to have normal conversations and enjoy them? I needed the space and the quiet the walk to Hogsmeade would afford me to sort out these thoughts.

"The toffee here is really good,"

Life didn't know how to play fair, did it? I turned around to find Remus just down the aisle. He was dressed casually and seemed a little more relaxed than he usually appeared in the castle. With the full moon now four days behind him, however, that didn't surprise me.

"I've never been much of a toffee fan," I said pleasantly. "Chocolate has always been my go-to."

"Well, you've come to the right shop. Honeydukes has always had the best chocolate in my opinion."

We both grabbed our items and headed to the checkout in silence. He allowed me to proceed first. That would have given me the time I needed to get away, but for some unknown reason I held back and we left together.

"So, what brings you to Hogsmeade besides the chocolate?" he asked, eyeing my other bags.

"Jonathan forgot a few things, like ink and parchment. The mother in me wanted to tell him to get it himself on his trip, make him learn a lesson in the process. But then the Professor side realized that he'd likely miss a few assignments in the meantime."

"I don't imagine the mother was too thrilled with that prospect."

"Not in the least. So, here I am. I made him give me money for it however, so he's still paying for it in some way."

"Well, that only seems fair."

We meandered around the small village with no real direction or aim. All the while we maintained an easy, flowing conversation. We even made each other laugh a few times, which did nothing to clarify my feelings. Towards the end of our meandering we made our way to the Three Broomsticks because whoever heard of going to Hogsmeade and not getting a pint of Madame Rosmerta's butterbeer.

We sat in a cozy corner booth together. All afternoon I'd been trying to keep the conversation away from sensitive topics, such as the past. Somehow, it still came about. Remus asked what house I had been in during school.

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