The World Cup

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Here's a special treat for all of you...the final chapter of part 2...

Chapter 31

The World Cup

The next morning was an early one. I could have waited and simply apparated in with Bill, Charlie, and Percy, but I woke up when Molly came down to make breakfast and I figured Arthur could use the extra hand. The kids came down in daze. After a quick meal, and a bit of excitement as Molly emptied the pockets of Fred and George, we set off towards the portkey.

"I hate to see hard work wasted," I said softly as I walked alongside the twins once we were out of sight of the Burrow. They had been trying to sneak some ton-tongue-toffees, a creation of their own hand, into the World Cup for...research, I'm sure, but Molly had forced them to throw them all away.

The twins looked at me with identical, long faces.

"Find a way to reverse it, and package them together, and never give them to a Muggle, even one as pig-headed as Dudley."

I smiled and placed two ton-tongue-toffees into each of their hands. Their faces lit up instantly.

"And your mother is to never, ever know about this moment. I'll only deny it if word gets out."

"We swear, Professor Porter—"

"—she won't hear it from us."

"Don't swear...unless you do it solemnly." I winked at them and then hurried along the trail.

Jonathan jogged up beside me. "You do realize that now they're back there trying to figure out if you know about the map."

"Well, I'd be a little disappointed if they weren't," I replied.

"Wouldn't it be easier to just tell them?"

"You mean about Kate?"

"I mean about you," he said pointedly.

"Sirius believes the fewer people that know the better, and I agree. wouldn't be as fun to mess with them."

"Dad's right, you do..."

I grimaced slightly and unintentionally at the word 'dad.'"

"Why do you do that?" Jonathan asked.

"Do what?"

"Every time I call Remus 'Dad'..."

My lips twitched uncontrollably.

" do something like that."

"I really don't know what you're talking about," I lied.

"You flinch or pull a face every time."

"I do not."

"Oh really? ... I really liked going to Dad's this summer."

A muscle twitched and I fought to hide it.

"You know Dad has this...

I pressed my lips together tightly.

"Have you seen Dad's..."

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