A Memorable Match

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Chapter 9

A Memorable Match

The castle was abuzz with talk of Sirius' escapade on Halloween night. The students talked about nothing else while we Professors did our best to quell the subject. We refused to engage in conversations that concerned Sirius and tried our best to dispel any rumors pertaining to him. Some professors went so far as to find reasons to walk with Harry to his next lesson, but I never saw the point. Everyone seemed to forget about the upcoming Quidditch match until Friday; then Sirius and his break in were forgotten.

As for me and Remus, things came to a dead stop following our rift. We barely spoke to each other, unless it was to say "Good morning, can you pass the blackberry jam please?" It was all rather pathetic. What made matters worse, the memories decided to return. My mood was rather grumpier for it too.

By the time Saturday came around, I was really looking forward to a good Quidditch match-up for a distraction. Saturday came, however, with a torrential downpour. There were few things for which a Quidditch match would be called for, and a bit of rain wasn't one of them. So after breakfast I wrapped up tightly, cast an impervious charm on myself, and carried a jar of flames out to the pitch.

The pitch was decked out in banners of Red, Black, and Gold. The match was originally scheduled to be Gryffindor versus Slytherin, but Slytherin Seeker Draco Malfoy was claiming that he was still incapable of using his arm after an incident with a Hippogriff named Buckbeak that occurred during the first week of classes (nine weeks ago!) It was a show of typical Malfoy cowardice. If the school played by league rules, then Slytherin would have been forced to play without their Seeker or forfeit the match. However, since this was school and it was "just for fun," Gryffindor was now playing Hufflepuff.

I sat in the Headmasters Box along with most of the other Professors and Dumbledore. McGonagall was, as usual, in the press box with Lee Jordan. And if Remus was there, he was sitting elsewhere.

The match went on for some time with the score going back and forth. Gryffindor was slowly taking the lead. The skies were gradually darkening, and the rain was steadily falling harder. When Gryffindor was up by fifty points, Wood called for a time out.

"What is Miss Granger doing on the pitch?" Flitwick asked no one in particular.

I leaned in towards him so I wouldn't have to shout. "I imagine she's casting and impervious charm on Harry's glasses."

"That girl is brilliant."

"She may have just won us the match."

"Now, now," Professor Sprout said from behind us. "Don't discount Mr. Diggory so easily. Harry may be faster, but Cedric is less likely to be blown off course by this wind."

"It makes little difference who wins this match anyways. They'll still have to face Ravenclaw and we've a superb team this year," Flitwick said with a squeak.

I laughed. "Were you Professors always this vocal at matches?"

"Indeed, Miss Porter," Dumbledore said with a twinkling smile.

"Oh! Oh look!" Sprout shouted suddenly. "What did I say? He's spotted it! Mr. Diggory's seen the Snitch!"

I looked to where she was pointing excitedly. Sure enough, Cedric was speeding down the pitch chasing after something my eyes couldn't detect through all the rain. I looked around for Harry's location. He'd seen the Snitch too, or at least, he'd seen Diggory flying towards it. But Harry was quite far behind.

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