Bitter Bile

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Chapter 3:

Bitter Bile

I went to my office after leaving McGonagall's. I figured I could always unpack after the feast or even in the morning. The hours slowly ticked away, but it wasn't the dull, boring sort of slow. I had plenty of work to occupy me. I was actually surprised that the hours didn't pass quickly because I had so much work. The benefits of working efficiently, I suppose.

I paused briefly around two for a tuna fish sandwich. My inner feline was very pleased at Glacier Peake with all the fish that was made readily available to guests. By four o'clock I was feeling fairly pleased with my progress. I had my lessons planned out for my first two days; I could sort the rest out over the weekend. My first class of the year would be a simple and pleasant one, with first year Gryffindors and Ravenclaws.

I was on my way back to my room to shower and get ready for the feast when McGonagall's Patronus came up to me.

The silver tabby said, "The Express has been delayed. It will arrive in Hogsmeade by five thirty."

The Patronus dissipated and I quickly sought out McGonagall for an explanation. She was in her office still.

"What's happened?"

"The students are fine," she said quickly. "Dementors stopped the train to search for Black."

"Dementors boarded the train? What about Jonathan? Harry?"

"Jonathan is fine," she answered.

"And Harry?"

"Harry took...ill, but he's fine now. I'm sure," she said quickly. "Our newest Professor acted swiftly."

"Our new...of course he did."

"The children are fine, Katherine. They will just be a little late. I suggest you return to your room and try to relax."

Right, relax, because all mothers were capable of relaxing when their child was potentially threatened by Dementors. I left McGonagall's office feeling agitated and ill at ease. I returned to my room as suggested and showered, but I was unable to relax. Fortunately, the hour and a half passed quickly.

I stood in the entrance hall dressed in my school robes as the students began filing in. A few of them paused their conversations concerning the Dementors to greet me as they passed. I did my best to smile and greet them back. At last I saw the group of friends arrive.

"Jonathan! Harry!" I placed a hand to each of their faces and kissed the tops of their heads. Jonathan immediately pulled back and tried to wipe the kiss away; Harry was more discreet about it.

"Are you both alright?" I asked.

"Yes, Mum," Jonathan replied, still brushing away the kiss and looking around to see if any of his friends had noticed it.


"I'm fine, Professor Porter. You didn't have to worry about me."

"I'm afraid a mother never stops worrying about her children, Harry, even if they aren't really her children."

Harry smiled.

"Speaking of mothering kids that aren't our own, Professor McGonagall would like to see you and Miss Granger in her office immediately." Harry looked surprised, but Hermione seemed to be expecting it. "And Harry, I'm afraid she's going to mother you some more. It's best to just go with it."

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