A Patronus Lesson

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Chapter 10

A Patronus Lesson

Apparently Remus and I still weren't talking, even after our little moment in the Hospital Wing, and I had no idea why this time. It was worse this time too. It was almost like he went out of his way to avoid me. He took to sitting at the far end of the table. If I was in the staff room working and he came in, he'd act as though he forgot something and leave...and not come back. I eventually stopped spending time in the staff room and tried to bear it out in my office. It was so bad, that when the full moon came around a few weeks later he couldn't bring himself to ask me to cover his classes. Dumbledore came in his stead.

It was Tuesday night. I was on the tower, preparing for my first class of the night when he showed up.

"It's a nice night for Astronomy," he said.

"Professor Dumbledore, I thought you were my second years." I looked up from my telescope. "It's a nice night to study the moon at least. It's a little too bright for much else. How can I help you, Sir?" I stepped back from the scope.

"I was wondering if Professor Lupin stopped by to see you today."

"Ah, he seems to have been too busy to say much to me these past few weeks. Why? Is he all right?"

"Yes, yes he is well. But if would seem that in the commotion of the last few weeks he forgot to ask someone to cover his classes tomorrow."

"Say no more, Professor. Of course I'll do it. Do you know what classes I'll have or the lessons planned?"

Dumbledore waved his hand and a copy of Remus' time table appeared in my hand. "I'm sure you can find his lesson plans in his office."

The tower door opened again and my Gryffindor and Ravenclaw students began filing in. They paused when the saw the Headmaster there.

"Come in, or out rather. We'll be on the upper viewing deck tonight. Miss Clearwater, will you see to it that no one tries to climb on the ledge, and Miss Weasley will you grab my scope for me. Thanks."

"Well, I will leave you to your teaching and thank you for your help Professor Porter. I will pass the word along."

As Dumbledore left to go back inside, I jogged up to the deck.

"Alright! Who's ready to have a little fun? Break into teams of two and plot for me the Man in the Moon. Fifteen points will be awarded to the team with the best accuracy, and five to the most creative. You time begins...Now!"

24 November 1993

By the time Harry's class came in at eleven the next morning, I was already tired.

"Is Professor Lupin sick again?"

"You know, Mr. Weasley, a less understanding Professor might interpret that tone as disappointment. If you'd rather I leave, I can always see if Professor Snape is available," I said.

"No!" the whole class said together. Snape had covered the class last month while I was in hospital. And, evidently, he'd assigned them all to write an essay on Werewolves.

"Now that makes me feel better. You still like me more than Snape."

"No offense, Professor, but that's not saying much; we like Professor Binns more than Snape," Dean said, to which the class laughed.

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