A Halloween Escapade

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Chapter 8

A Halloween Escapade

I stood on the viewing deck of the Astronomy Tower gazing at the array of stars. It was Halloween night and I'd used the entrance of the Ghosts at the feast to slip out undetected. I had a tradition to uphold. I raised my wand and sent up a beam of light. In response a gentle wind rustled my hair. I closed my eyes with a content sigh; it was almost as though they were embracing me, and I took a moment to relish in that feeling.

A moment that was rudely interrupted.

"Loony Miss Moony, staring up at the sky. Loony Miss Moony thought she might cry."

"What are doing here, Peeves?" I asked.

"What I always do."

"Star gazing?"

Peeves responded by sticking out his tongue and blowing a raspberry.

"Very mature, Peeves."

"Loony Miss Moony, nine lives has she. Loony Miss Moony..."

"Hey Peeves!" I cut across him. "Do you have any chewing gum?" I asked, remembering Remus telling me about how Peeves tried to put chewing gum in broom cupboard lock until Remus interrupted him.

I smirked while the poltergeist turned ten shades of red. At least, I imagined he would have turned red. Peeves flew off angrily. It probably wasn't very wise to upset a poltergeist, but oh well. I wanted him gone and it worked. I resumed my star gazing and my silent memorial in peace.

I didn't stay long, with it being so cold and me fresh over the flu. Before leaving I wiped the tears from my eyes and checked to make sure my scars weren't showing. They sometimes liked to in times of distress. Before descending the stairs, I took one last look at the stars above.

"I miss you," I whispered.

Another gentle breeze washed over me.

I knew the feast was likely to be over, so I began patrolling the halls looking for wayward students. As I came upon a nook, I illuminated my wand and revealed two seventh years. The girl blushed shamelessly before hurrying off. I smiled fondly as the boy went in a separate direction. I remembered the days Remus and I would...

"Ashamed, Your Headship, Sir," Peeves said in an oily voice.

I rounded the corner and came upon some commotion outside the Fat Lady portrait. It seemed the whole of Gryffindor house was down the other hall. Dumbledore was there, along with McGonagall, Snape, and Remus. My view of the Fat Lady was obstructed.

"What's going on?" I whispered to Remus as Peeves went on about the Fat Lady.

"The Fat Lady is missing," he whispered back. "Her portrait is shredded."

"What?" I leaned back in shock.

Dumbledore shifted slightly and that's when I saw the portrait for myself. Or, what was left of it at least. I gasped and covered my mouth with my hands.

"Did she say who did it?" Dumbledore asked.

"Oh yes, Professorhead," Peeves replied. "He got very angry when she wouldn't let him in, you see. Nasty temper he's got, that Sirius Black."

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