Eggnog Confessions

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Chapter 13

Eggnog Confessions

I laughed out loud as I sat back to look at the final product. Remus and I were in the staff room, after our return from Hogsmeade, attempting to wrap the gifts we bought. Scraps of paper and ribbon were strewn everywhere, including, somehow, stuck in my hair as I pulled a piece of red ribbon out. On the table before us there was a half empty bottle of eggnog and a box of assorted chocolates from Honeydukes. (The last of my supply until Hermione returned with my order.)

" really are terrible at that," Remus said with a chuckle.

"See! I told you! I don't fool around when it comes to wrapping. I haven't done that without magic since...well, let's see... I suppose it had to be second year when Mum told me the spell to use."

"And with good reason. That, Katherine," he pointed to the horrifically wrapped gift, "is complete..." He bit his lip.

"Shite? You can say the word, Remus. It won't offend me..."


"...too terribly."

His eyes widened as he looked my way. I laughed.

"I'm joking! How can I be offended when I said it first?"

I waved my wand and quickly fixed the abysmal wrapping job. Another wave cleaned up my mess and sent the packages into storage for a week before they were delivered.

"More eggnog?" I asked Remus as I filled my own cup.

"Do you think perhaps we've had enough?"

"Not if I'm trying to get you knackered." I refilled his glass anyway and handed it to him. He didn't take it.

"I'm joking, Remus."

He smiled and took the glass.


"You see, that's the thing...I'm not so sure you are," he said, but he took a sip anyways. I smiled and held up the chocolates.


"Now that I won't refuse."

I popped a nice chocolate peanut into my mouth before setting the box back on the table. I turned sideways on the couch as I pulled my legs up underneath me. Leaning one arm on the back of the couch, I propped my head up with it and studied the side of Remus' face. With the full moon only four days away, he was paler than usual which made the scars stand out a little more.

There was one in particular that I studied. It ran from the top of his ear down along his jaw line. It was a new scar, well new in the last fourteen years at least. I began to wonder how he had received it or if there would have been anything I could have done to prevent it.

Without realizing it, I reached up to trace it with my finger. The touch made him jump slightly, and he looked at me curiously.

"Sorry, I was just..." Admiring. I reached for the chocolate box and offered him another. Fortunately for me, he bought the distraction.

"You really like your chocolate, don't you?"

"Yes, Sir. All of it too. I don't discriminate. Some people think different chocolates taste differently... Well, they do, obviously, but different isn't necessarily a bad thing. I like milk chocolate just as much as I like white chocolate, or dark chocolate. Then there's chocolate with crackle, chocolate covered peanuts, chocolate with a gooey caramel center..." I let out a sweet moan as I bit into a caramel center. "The only chocolate I don't seem to like is chocolate mousse or chocolate ice-cream."

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