Jonathan's Revenge

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Extra long chapter ahead!

Chapter 17

Jonathan's Revenge

28 December 1993

"Mum," Jonathan called through the door. "Please come to dinner."



Jonathan waited a little more, but Katherine did not come out. So he went on without her and decided to try again later.

1 January 1994

"Mum... It's New Years. Come have breakfast with me. I'm sure the House Elves can make you some chocolate batter pancakes."



"Not today, Jonathan. Maybe later."

His mother's voice was tired and strained. Jonathan went to breakfast alone.

3 January 1994

Jonathan didn't bother with knocking. He was sure she wouldn't have answered if he had. He simply opened the door and announced his arrival. The lounge was dark, but clean. It was probably cleaner than he'd ever seen it. The Christmas tree was gone, as was all evidence that it had ever been there. The table was its normal size again and the seat hadn't been sat in for a few days.

Jonathan looked towards the bedroom door; it was cracked open so he walked towards it. He placed his free hand over his eyes just in case and slowly pushed the door open with his foot.

"Mum? I'm coming in..."

Katherine didn't respond so Jonathan slowly peered through his fingers. She was lying on the bed and fully clothed. Jonathan sighed in relief and dropped his hand from his eye.

"I brought you dinner," he said. "You haven't been coming down to it, so I figured it was time I bring it to you."

She looked up at him slowly, but otherwise didn't move.

"You didn't have to do that," she said hoarsely. "I've been taking meals in my room."

"Oh... Well... have you eaten tonight yet?"


"Good, then you won't let this go to waste. It's steak and kidney pie and a slice of chocolate cake. Chocolate always makes you feel better, right?"

"It will take more than chocolate to fix this."

"And what is this exactly...?"

Katherine did not respond.

"Did you?" Jonathan really didn't like asking that sort of question, but he didn't like seeing his Mum like this either.

"Because if he did do...something... then I..."

"It's nothing of the sort, Jonathan," she said at last. "I don't want you worrying about me. Just focus on your studies."

"But that's the catch, Mum. I do worry about you and I've never really focused on my studies." He finished with a grin, but Katherine did not smile. She didn't do much of anything. Jonathan's own smile faded into a frown.

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