The Leopard and The Wolf

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Chapter 23

The Leopard and The Wolf

5 June 1994

I was filled with a frantic giddiness, while an abnormal hush fell over the castle. The month and a half since the Quidditch final passed quickly and June had arrived. The air outside was warm and beckoning, and the students and staff were eager for the summer holiday. But first, we had to get through exams.

I walked in to the staff room on Sunday afternoon before the start of exam week to find McGonagall, Flitwick, and Remus busy at work prepping. I sat down at the table with a stack of papers and a bright smile.

"I love exam time, don't you?"

In response I received annoyed looks from McGonagall and Flitwick and an amused grin from Remus.

"You always were a bit... odd...around exam time," he said.

"Odd? Wow! Such high praise, Mr. Lupin," I replied with a smile. I could tell by his small smirk he knew I was teasing.

"I never understood why, though."

I shrugged. "I always had this sense of fulfillment or achievement afterwards. I mean, we spent all year preparing and studying for this one goal, and to finally put everything we learned on to parchment and walkout with an O...or an E if it was history... was highly gratifying."

"You were quite a pleasure to have in class on exam day," Professor Flitwick said.

"See, Remus, that's how it's done. 'Pleasure,' not 'odd.' And you have to admit, it was fun when I quizzed you all beforehand."

"Fun? I think it was bit more like pestering."

I sat back in my chair, momentarily stunned. I was acutely aware of McGonagall and Flitwick eyeing us suspiciously, wondering if we were about to argue once more. Remus' lips gave a little quiver and my smile returned.

"Well, I'm convinced that my 'pestering,' as you call it, is the only reason James and Sirius always did as well as they did on exams."

"And what's your excuse for being so chipper now?" McGonagall asked.

I shrugged a shoulder. "I like making the kids sweat a little."

She gave a little snort. "Once a mischief maker, always a mischief maker."

Remus laughed heartily.

"Me?" I protested. "I kept them in line. Do you think Remus' prefect badge did anything other than make them think they could get away with things more often?"

"I had hoped that he would have had more of an influence on them."

"Honestly, Professor, I think I did the best I could with what I was given to work with," Remus defended.

"You see, I was the good one," I said.

"The 'good ones' don't become illegal Animagi," Flitwick said.

"I..." I stopped myself and caught Remus' eye. I was about to point out that James, Sirius, and Peter had all become Animagi too, but recalled that they didn't know about that...and it wouldn't have helped my case any. So I turned to McGonagall instead.

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