A Lesson on Boggarts

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Chapter 5

A Lesson on Boggarts

Needless to say, Saturday night was not an easy night. Sunday, however, was a different matter. Sunday I decided that in order to help Remus, I needed to let go of the past. I needed to forget the pain that he'd caused Kate. Kate was dead, and Katherine had no quarrel with Remus. I wasn't naïve enough to think that it would be easy to forget everything that happened. I knew it would be far from it actually. But it would be the only way this year would be endurable.

Wednesday morning I decided to work in the staff room instead of my office for a change of scenery. I was in the middle of grading Jonathan's summer assignment, despite Snape's persistent grunting as he flipped through the latest edition of Potent Potions, when the staff room door opened and the third year Gryffindors filed in. A boggart had taken up residence in the wardrobe in the back corner Tuesday afternoon, and instead of vanquishing it, Remus had asked that it be left for his third years. I had forgotten about the boggart's close proximity; otherwise I likely would have stayed in my office. I hated boggarts.

"Leave it open, Lupin. I'd rather not witness this," Snape grumbled as he stood to leave.

I rolled my eyes. He was so dramatic sometimes. Snape paused at the door and turned back to look at the class with a sneer.

"Perhaps no one has warned you, Lupin, but this class contains Neville Longbottom. His work is abysmal unless Miss Granger is whispering in his ear."

Poor Neville looked mortified at being called out. I thought it was more than unfair to humiliate a student in the presence of two other professors.

"Actually," Remus began without missing a beat, his eyebrows raised. "I was hoping Mr. Longbottom would be my first volunteer."

Snape grimaced and fled the room. I was boiling.

"Oh that...that..." Foul! Loathsome! Greasy! Git! I took a deep breath to keep from saying what I really wanted to say. I noticed the students had all turned their attention to me.

"Don't pay him any mind, Mr. Longbottom. He's just bitter. He wishes he could be as well liked as you. So don't listen to him... Unless," I thought. "...Of course if you're in his class, in which case his word is basically law. I'm afraid there's not much I can do for you there. Well...nothing that won't get us both into trouble." I winked.

The class laughed and the wardrobe gave a little wobble.

"And that is my cue to direct your attention back to Professor Lupin...who probably wants me to leave." I stood and began to gather my things.

"Don't be ridiculous, Professor Porter," Remus said with an amused smile. "You may stay if you like."

"Oh! Well in that case..." I pushed my papers into a sloppy pile before sitting on the table. "...Continue on."

"Right," Remus turned his attention back to the class. "So today we will be learning how to vanquish a boggart. Before we begin, who can tell me what a boggart is?"

I wasn't surprised that Hermione was the only one to raise her hand. Whether that was because no one else knew the answer, or because they simply didn't bother with Hermione in the class, I'm not sure.

"Yes, Miss Granger."

"It's a shape-shifter, Sir. It takes on the shape of whatever a person fears the most."

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