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Chapter 12


Things quickly went back to normal between me and Remus. It was as though we'd simply hit the 'pause' button and things resumed right where we left them.

I find it hysterical that he thought I was engaged to Bill. I asked him where he'd gotten that idea from and he said he'd overheard Fred and George talk about how I was their 'Soon-to-be-Aunt' while Harry was in hospital. I thought of sending an Owl to Molly to tell her. I knew she'd find it just as funny as I had, but then then she would want to know all about Remus and I didn't feel like trying to explain him to her.

I wasn't even sure how I would explain him. I didn't know what was going on between us, or how far things could go. Could I really allow myself to be with him again after everything that had happened between us the first time? Would I be okay that he was with Katherine and not Kate? It was all rather confusing.

Remus and I attended the next Quidditch match together. It was Ravenclaw versus Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw obliterated Hufflepuff. This was very good news for Gryffindor because it meant they were still in the running for the Quidditch cup.

December flew by in a frosty blur. Before the professors realized it, the Christmas holiday was upon us. On Wednesday during the last week of class, I was out on the tower with my third year Gryffindor and Ravenclaws like normal when it started to snow.

"Keep working. We still have an hour left," I said, trying to keep everyone on task.

"But it's snowin', Professor."

"Very good, Mr. Finnegan. But I want those star charts in my hand—"

Seamus walked over and held out his half empty chart. I pushed it back towards him.

"—completed, before you leave tonight. Unless, you wish to receive a Dreadful?"

"You wouldn't, surely not to your favorite student."

"You're right."

He grinned.

"I'd give Ron an Acceptable."

"Oh that's cold, Professor."

"Oh? Cold like snow? Back to work, Mr. Finnegan." Seamus turned and headed back to his station next to Dean. Meanwhile, I saw a head of red hair approach me.

"Don't you dare try it, Ronald Weasley."

"It was worth a shot," he said as he turned and walked away.

I ended up dismissing the class thirty minutes later when the light flurries turned into a small blizzard. I was always the last to descend the tower, and when I reached the bottom and the crowd cleared out, I found Harry and Ron waiting for me near my office.

"Good evening boys, did you forget the way to Gryffindor tower?" I asked.

They parted and allowed me to pass into my office before Harry followed me in.

"Er—Professor Porter?"

I looked up. "Yes, Harry? You're not upset about the favorite student thing are you? Because I really only meant that as a joke."

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