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Chapter 19


Saturday was a whirlwind of excitement. To begin the day, it was the Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw to see who would face Slytherin for the cup. Harry caught the snitch and won the match despite the attempted distraction by a few members of the Slytherin team. A couple of them had walked on to the field in oversized cloaks pretending to be Dementors. Harry's Patronus knocked them off their feet, literally.

That night saw a different kind of excitement. Sirius had broken into the castle again, and this time he managed to get into Gryffindor Tower. Ron had woken with quite a fright to find Sirius standing over him with a knife. The whole castle was searched again, I even tried the Room of Requirement, but he wasn't found.

"Do you still think him innocent?" Remus asked me quietly after we reported our lack of findings to the Headmaster.

I looked at Remus, but said nothing as my eyes filled with tears. I wanted to believe Sirius was innocent; I wanted to believe that there was no way he would have betrayed James, but his actions weren't helping his case. I walked away from Remus without a word.

Apart from his snide comment after Sirius' break in, Remus and I remained on non-speaking terms. I figured he would let me know when he was ready to talk about what happened between us. Until then I'd wait it out.

It was misery. Nothing happened for two weeks. Nothing. Then finally, on Friday I received an owl from him. It was simple and to the point.

I think it's time

Saturday. My office.


I was at breakfast that morning when the letter arrived. I looked down the table and caught his eye. I gave him a solitary nod to let him know I'd be there, and he quickly diverted his eyes afterwards.

Saturday was a Hogsmeade day so the students would be gone. More importantly, Jonathan would be gone.

26 February 1994

I stood just outside Remus' office on Saturday morning at 10:59. I watched from the courtyard as Jonathan walked with the twins and Lee towards Hogsmeade, then I went to his office. I knew Remus was already inside; I could hear the sonophone playing. It was a Chimera song, but I didn't recognize it. I heard the distant strike of the clock tower and knew it was time. I took a deep breath before stepping around the corner and tapping lightly on the door. Remus looked up at me. With a flick of his wrist the music stopped.

"Tea?" he asked, waving me in.

"I wouldn't say no to something stronger if you have it."

He simply raised his eyebrows in a disapproving manner. He never was much of a drinker. I wasn't either usually, but sometimes a little kick was needed.

"Tea will be fine," I said. "Strong. And..."

"Black. I remember." He tapped his wand to his kettle and it started steaming. We each fixed our cups and took a sip before sitting in an awkward silence.

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