A Brilliant Infatuation

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Chapter 11

A Brilliant Infatuation

Remus hobbled into the Defense classroom on Friday after lunch using the cane his father gave him last Christmas. Truth be told, he hated the cane, but some days, like today, he didn't know what he'd do without it. Using the cane made him feel old, especially since his father still had no need for a cane himself. At only thirty-three, Remus thought he shouldn't feel so old. His monthly transformations, however, took their toll on the body. And in the cold, his body simply ached.

Remus wasn't in the room long before his next class started arriving. As a Professor, he knew she shouldn't show favoritism. But some things were hard to let go of, and one of those things was his desire to see Gryffindor best Slytherin in anything. So he loved his double periods, but his favorite was his next class: his third years. Although, the fourth years came in a close second; he couldn't quite say why.

Parvati and Lavender were the first to arrive, chirping away endlessly about the latest gossip. As long as the gossip didn't concern him and Katherine, he didn't much care for what it was.

"I'll take your homework questions, if you have them ladies," Remus said as they walked by his desk. He wasn't sure if they had heard him as they continued walking without so much as look his way. But then they returned and dropped off their papers.

A few silent Slytherins were next, followed by Dean and Seamus.

"Professor Lupin, you're back. Are you feeling better then?"

"I am. Thank you for asking, Dean."

"Bugger," said Seamus. Remus raised an eyebrow, and Dean elbowed his friend.

"Er—Sorry, Professor. That wasn' meant against you. 'S just..."

"He was hoping to see Professor Porter again," Dean finished for him.

"Ah. I see," Remus replied. "So I take it Wednesday's class went well?"

"Well? It was brilliant! She's brilliant!" Seamus said.

"I didn't realize you found Hinkypunks so interesting, Seamus."

"Oh. Er—actually, we-uh, we didn't talk about Hinkypunks," Dean said.

"You didn't?"

Remus, of course, knew that they didn't cover Hinkypunks on Wednesday but had discussed the Patrons Charm instead; Katherine had left thorough notes including a detention she had issued to a first year Ravenclaw.

"But it was Harry and Hermione's fault really," Dean said.

"What was my fault?" Harry asked walking in with Ron and Hermione.


"We were just discussing the impromptu Patronus lesson you apparently persuaded Professor Porter to give," Remus said with a knowing smile.

"Oh. Er—you're not made about that are you?" Harry asked.

"Why would I be? You still completed the same homework so you shouldn't be too behind."

At the mention of homework the trio of friends pulled out their assignments. As they turned to head towards their seats, Remus called Harry back.

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