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"Mommy! Mommy! Wake up!" Brooke heard from her daughter. It had been 4 days since she had facetimed Dylan and those 4 days were miserable. Every time she saw her kids, they would ask for him. Calling him was a big mistake, she knew that.

Brooke rolled over in her bed and came face to face with the small child in front of her. "Hi baby." Brooke smiled.

"Someone's at the door!" Emory yelled, running out of the room.

"Don't open it!" Brooke yelled at the kid, who was now running down the stairs.

Brooke put on a robe and quickly made her way down the stairs. "It is way too early for this." She complained.

She opened the door. "H-" She stopped in her tracks.

Brooke was now face to face with someone she never wanted to see again. The person who made her life hell.

"Leave." She said sternly.

"I need to see my kids." Dylan muttered. It was apparent that his face was red from crying and his hair was very disheveled. It was obvious that he hadn't shaved since the incident because his beard was growing in fast. "Please. Please let me see them." He begged her.

"Emory! Payson!" Brooke yelled. The man in front of her wasn't the same man she once knew. And that realization, broke her heart. Even if the same man had broken it once before.

The two kids can running into the foyer just as Dylan was walking inside. Brooke shut the door and sighed.

"Daddy!" Emory yelled, running into her father's arms. Dylan bent down on his knees and embraced the girl tightly. Not long after, Payson joined the hug. "I missed you so much daddy." Payson said.

"I missed you guys too." Dylan said, tears running down his face. He knew he had made a mistake and for him to get Brooke back, would be the best thing to ever happen to him. Their divorce was finalized two weeks ago and ever since then, Dylan had been a mess.

Emory pulled out of her father's arms and giggled as she ran away. Payson stayed for a little while longer before finally leaving.

Dylan stood up when both of his kids had left the room. Turning around to face Brooke, he began to speak.

"Look, I know that you definitely don't owe me anything and I know that I made the biggest mistake of my life. One that I will regret until the day I die. But, thanks for letting me see them." Dylan told her.

Brooke nodded gently and opened the front door. "Bye Dylan."

"I miss you, Brooke." He said before making his way to the door.

Brooke looked at her feet. "You should have thought about that before deciding that I wasn't good enough for you anymore. Goodbye Dylan."

"You are good enough Brooke." Dylan started to say. "And I l-" He was cut off by Brooke slamming the door in his face.

She sunk down to the floor and placed her head in between her knees as she leaned against the door. Then, she began to sob.

Dylan hadn't left her house yet but instead, he was listening to her crying. "Why did I have to break her heart?" Dylan asked himself before beginning to cry as well. He walked down her brick stairs, leading down to the driveway, and sobbed.

The two were now sobbing uncontrollably; in completely different places. Both of them were thinking about how much they miss each other.

However, neither one of them knew it.

Holy shit. Stiles comes back tonight. I am not emotionally ready for the stydia moments. AHHH


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