so what did she say?crystal:
well hello to you toodylan:
i'm sorry, hey. now what did she say?? i'm freaking out over herecrystal:
she said she doesn't knowdylan:
how can she not know if she wants to get married again?crystal:
i want you to take a step back and really think about thatdylan:
i ruined everythingcrystal:
yeah you didcrystal:
but now you have her againcrystal:
now that she has the idea of marriage in her head again, she's gonna start thinking about it. which means its very possible that she will want tocrystal:
i know my sister and she just needs timedylan:
i just want to be married to her againcrystal:
i know, dylcrystal:
please just give it timedylan:
i will. i promisedylan:
i just hope she knows that she is my whole world and i need hercrystal:
she knowscrystal:
she's unbelievably in love with youcrystal:
is she wasn't, she wouldn't have even thought about taking you back after what you diddylan:
i never apologized to you about that. i know that i fucked up and that i broke her. it kills me to know that i did that. i never wanted to hurt her. i know that's such a stereotypical thing to say when you cheat on someone but i'm serious. i was drunk and i didn't know what i was doing. i take full responsibility for putting my kids in that situation and for making them confused through the time that brooke and i weren't together. it's my fault that brooke had to explain to them why i wasn't there anymore and why we weren't together. i'm so so incredibly sorry. i just want to keep saying it over and over bc every time i say it, i feel like it's not enough. thank you for doing this for me and for letting me back in. i can't thank you enough crystalcrystal:
i know you're sorry dylan. we all know that you are. you're welcome for asking her, but you aren't off the hook. i don't forgive you for hurting her. she was completely broken, dylan. i know brooke let you back in like nothing happened but i'm not that lenient. if you want all of our forgiveness, you're gonna have to show us that you won't hurt her again.dylan:
i will. i'll show you how much she means to me. i couldn't live with myself if i hurt her again. she deserves the world and i'm prepared to give that to hercrystal:
good. i'll talk to you later, emma is awake and wanting to be feddylan:
bye crystalcrystal:
bye dylan[3/19/17]

soon [dylan o'brien] [2] ✔️
Фанфик"why don't you be you, and i'll be me..." maybe we'll see each other again soon... •book 2•