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dylan sat on the couch in his house. his face was wet with tears and his hair was messy from him running his hands through it. he was a mess. seeing tyler with brooke, killed him. he pushed her right into his best friend's arms, and he hated himself for it. god, he hated himself for it.

dylan drank into the night, not caring about the massive hangover he would have in the morning. he drank to forget, it was simple. he drank to forget the hold that britt had over him. he drank to forget his idiocy about cheating on brooke in the first place. most of all, he drank to forget about hurting the love of his life, over and over again.

he hadn't seen his kids in months, and it was physically killing him. dylan had never been so depressed in his life. he was doing all of this for brooke. britt was blackmailing him with something about brooke, something that might ruin her, and dylan wasn't about to take those chances.

so, there he was, drinking and crying, alone on his couch.

his phone buzzed and it was a text from someone he was least expecting: tyler, his ex-best friend.




i need to tell you something. in fact, i don't really know why i'm going to, so be grateful that i care even a little bit about you to tell you this.

i like brooke. i really, really like brooke. she makes my world light up. and i'm going to tell her tonight. i can't expect you to be happy at all, i could care less if i'm being honest. but i figured it should come from me if you happen to hear it from someone.


bye dylan


dylan read the text over and over again, never failing to let a tear fall from his eye each time. he couldn't believe his best friend would do this to him, even if he was the one that fucked everything up in the first place.

so, he did the only logical thing he could think of. he had to go find brooke before tyler did. he had to tell her the truth about britt and the reason he had to be with her.

he grabbed his phone, jacket, and keys off the hook next to the door before walking outside into the dead of night.

he got in his car, backing out of his driveway as fast as he could. he wasn't going to lose her again, he couldn't. it would kill him.

he came up to an intersection and the light turned red just as he was getting there. his fingers tapped nervously at the wheel as he took deep breaths. what was he going to say to her after months of ignoring and being a dick?

his eyes darted to the light, still red, and back in forth from the streets beside him. there was not a single car in sight. "fuck it." he whispered to himself, slamming on the gas and driving.

next thing he knew, he was being wheeled into the O.R.


soon [dylan o'brien] [2] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now