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brooke... holland told me about your texts. are you okay?

why wouldn't i be:)

okay, me and you both know that was faker than kylie jenner's lips

i love you ty, but i really don't want to talk about it

well that's unfortunate bc we are about to have a long ass conversation about it

have i told you recently how much i hate you?

only everyday😘

now, what's going on babe? talk to me.

i don't know. i really don't know. and that's the problem

what do you mean

i don't know how i feel about taylor. i thought i liked him but i just can't get dylan out of my head. even after what he did to me, i can't make it go away. it's like a voice in the back of my mind telling me to go for the bad guy instead of the good guy. i thought doing this movie would take my mind off of him, but all it's doing is making me want to be with him more. the longer i am away from him, the more i wish i was in his arms, kissing him. just being with him. i love him tyler. i don't know how to make that feeling go away, but i do. i still love dylan 0'brien and it's making my life hell.

aw brookie i didn't know you were feeling like this.

i also don't know how to help you except tell you to do what you think is right.

i know dylan hurt you. i know he made you feel like shit, for a long time. i know because i know how it broke you. but, i also know that you won't ever stop loving him. no matter what you do, because that's what you do when you make a vow to love each other until you each take your last breath... to love each other through think and thin, no matter what. i know that it's killing you to always have him in your head, believe me babe, i know. if you think being with dylan is the right choice, then make the choice to stay with him. it's all up to you. i'm not here to tell you what to do or persuade you to pick a side... i'm here to tell you to make the best choice you can make for yourself. if being with taylor makes you happier than being with dylan, then choose to be with taylor. but, if you can't live without dylan, if he's the air you breathe and the light of your life, be with dylan. because i promise, doing what is best for you, will make your life so much better.

god ty... i don't know what to do

i need dylan. i need to see his face when i come home from work. i need to feel his lips against mine. i need to have him as my support system. i miss him tyler. i miss his hugs and his kisses. i miss telling him i love him. i miss the way he would dance around the kitchen when we made dinner together. i miss it all. god, i miss my husband. i miss the way it all was, when we were happy and care-free. i want my dylan back, the one who looked at me like i was his everything. apparently i'm not anymore if he could ruin everything in one night. i love him, but i don't want to be afraid that he will leave me again one day.

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