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it had been three days since the doctor said dylan would wake up. three days. it was driving brooke crazy not knowing when dylan would wake up, or if he would even remember her. he wouldn't remember his kids or his best friends. he wouldn't remember anything.

brooke was sitting in the room with holland, tyler, and sprayberry. of course, brooke was sitting by dylan's side, her head resting on the bed. she had stayed in that same position since she was allowed to come in the room. "maybe try talking to him again?" sprayberry suggested.

"i've already tried that twenty times, dyl." brooke said, feeling defeated. "he can't hear me."

"just try it one more time." holland said. brooke took a deep breath, bracing herself for another emotional speech that was going to make her cry no matter what.

"dylan?" she said to him softly. "hey baby, i hope you can hear me. you're scaring me dyl, you are making me utterly terrified." she let a tear fall. "i need you like haley needed nathan or how jim needed pam. i need you baby, i can't live without you. i have been an absolute mess these past few days, and i mean a complete wreck. all i need is for you to wake up. i need to see that big smile i fell in love with, okay?"

tyler's face dropped. he wasn't ever going to get brooke, she was in love with dylan. but, he would always be there for his best friend, no matter what. he would be there to help her with her dylan pain, even if it killed him.

"please wake up o'brien." she chuckled. "please." she dropped her head back on the bed, sobbing.

"brooke?" she heard.

her head shot up, looking for the source of the voice. her eyes landed on the man speaking; it was dylan, her dylan.

"dylan?" she cried. "you remember me?"

"of course i remember you." he chuckled, wincing at the pain from his chest. "what happened?"

brooke took dylan's hand in her's. "you were in a car accident, dyl." she said, a tear falling from her face. "your leg and arm are broken, and your lungs collapsed and you had swelling in your brain." his eyes dropped to his hands. "you were in surgery for 8 hours dylan."

"i'm sorry." he said softly.

"don't be sorry, dyl." she smiled, rubbing his hand with her thumb. "i'm so glad you're okay." she wrapped her arm around his torso, being careful not to hit any place that would hurt him. dylan ran his hand through her hair softly. "i would never leave you, brookie." he said to her. "i love you."

she smiled against his stomach, blushing like the first time dylan had ever said that to her. "i love you, too."

"i see you're awake." the doctor said, walking into the room after holland. she had gone to find him when dylan woke up. "lets check you out." brooke sat up and moved away from dylan while the doctor checked everything. "you seem fine." he said. "you will need to stay for another week or so, so that we can keep an eye on your lungs and brain, okay?"

dylan nodded, not able to keep his eyes off of brooke. the doctor smiled and walked out of the room, allowing brooke to come back to dylan. "god i fucking love you." he said. brooke smiled and placed her hand on his cheek, careful to not hurt him like before. she leaned in and felt his lips touch her, igniting a spark that she didn't know was there. "you're the monica to my chandler." dylan said when they pulled apart. "the brooke to my julian, the rachel to my ross, the iris to my barry, the betty to my jughead, the april to my andy, the elena to my damon, the caroline-" brooke cut him off with another kiss.

"i get it romeo." she said, smiling while their foreheads touched.

"i love you, too."

"fucking finally." sprayberry breathed out, causing the couple to laugh along with tyler and holland.

"i texted the rest of them." holland said "they are on their way."

brooke smiled again, excited to be back in her happy place.


im not evil enough to kill him or have him forget lmao. my heart isn't that cold

soon [dylan o'brien] [2] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now