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hey, can you come over?

yeah babe, what's up?

i just... can you get here fast?

yeah of course... i'll be there in 10

brooke paced around her temporary living room, completely nervous for what she was about to say. taylor was a great guy, one she could quite possibly have a future with, except, he's not dylan. he's not her dylan.

she took a seat on her leather couch and tapped her foot nervously. her and taylor were best friends, even before they started dating. she only wished that taylor would want to still be friends with her.

her head shot up at the sound of three knocks on her door. taking a deep breath, she got up from the couch and made her way to the front door. she put on a fake smile and opened it, revealing a worried taylor. brooke's message was very cryptic, leaving him concerned for his girlfriend.

"hey." brooke said, ushering him inside. they both made their way to the previously mentioned couch, and sat apart from each other.

"hey." taylor said back, feeling uneasy about the situation. brooke was acting different, weird. "so what's up?" he asked after moments of silence.

"well..." brooke trailed off. "i kinda need to talk to you." she picked at her nails.

taylor took a deep breath, he knew where this was going. "you're breaking up with me." he said, looking at the ground.


"i know." he said, looking back up at her with a small smile. "you still love dylan."

brooke's eyes contained tears that she was struggling to keep back. this was harder than she thought it was going to be. "i do."

"that's okay brooke." taylor said, taking her hands in his. "i get it. he's your husband, the father of your children."

"i'm sorry taylor... i was hoping that taking this movie and trying to move on would make me forget about him, but i can't. it's like he's engraved in my head." she said, running her hand through her hair.

"brookie, it's okay." he said. "i promise. we will always be friends."

brooke nodded and hugged him, letting her tears fall on his shirt. "thank you tay."

taylor ran his hand through her hair. "anytime, b."

when they pulled away, he spoke again. "well, since i'm here, wanna keep watching our show?"

"duh." brooke said, laughing. "we only have like three more weeks to finish."

"shit. we better stay up all night then." taylor said, finding the remote quickly.

he turned netflix on, scrolling to their show: One Tree Hill. they were both suckers for naley, no matter how hard both of them denied it.

taylor pulled brooke into his side, letting her rest her head on his shoulder. they both knew it was better this way. brooke loved dylan, anyone could see that.


please pleaseee go check out my stiles stilinski story: Emergence. I'm posting chapters regularly.

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