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brookesophia: since everyone seems to want to get into my business, let me clear some things up. when i sent those pictures to MY BOYFRIEND, dylan, we were dating. we were not married and we did not have children. i did a thing that a lot of people do, so why is it such a big deal? i am 28 years old. i do not need dylan's validation, my sister's validation, my friends' validation, or your validation. i am a grown ass woman who did something that isn't even a big deal. i'm confident in my body and the way i look. the pictures were not meant to be shared, but a little bitch named britt leaked them, so here we are, stressing out about pictures that no one actually cares about. if you care so much about my naked body on the internet, then unfollow me, block me, i don't give a shit. if you don't support me and my choices, that's fine. but don't hate on me just because i made a choice that you might not have made yourself. i was not acting irresponsibly, or immaturely. i knew what i was doing and when i was doing it. i knew who they were going to. and i knew that i was making my boyfriend happy, and that's all i needed to know. it's fucking 2019. stop slut shaming and grow the fuck up. if you are calling me immature and a slut, rethink your life choices bc calling someone a slut about something that has nothing to do with you, is immature. thank you, and good night. -brooke
3.5mil likes; 2.8mil comments
user: i fucking love her
usera: there's a reason people call her a slut.
userb: stop being a jealous hoe @usera
userd: i'm in love with you
usere: please adopt me
userf: why the fuck do people like her? she's an attention seeking whore
userg: ^did you not read the paragraph orrrrrrr
dylanobrien: i'm proud of you baby💜 and you bet your ass those pictures made me happy. god damn.
hollandroden: ^ew stop talking about sex. but i'm so so proud of you brooke❤i love you
tylerposey58: TELL EM BROOKIE
crystalmreed: i'm so unbelievably proud to call myself your sister❤ i love you lil sis
coltonlhaynes: role model👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
dylansprayberry: YES MOM. YOU GO
tylerl_hoechlin: and she's BACK
brittrobertson: you fucking slut. i hope you get fat and ugly
brookesophia: i didn't realize we were back in high school omg!!! i guess some people really don't mature😍 @brittrobertson
shelleyhennig: i'm in love with you
brookesophia: marry me @shelleyhennig
shelleyhennig: I DO❤❤❤
brittrobertson: you are such a whore. stop fucking with dylan and own up to your actions
brookesophia: isn't that what i just did???? baffled @brittrobertson
dylanobrien: britt shut the fuck up. stop calling my girl a slut. she's fucking perfect. what she did was far from a mistake. i mean FAR from it. she did what a lot of people in relationships do. you wouldn't know bc you haven't been in one for longer than three days, so it doesn't surprise me that you aren't mature enough to understand that this isn't a big deal. brooke loves her body, i love her body. i mean i REALLY love her body, damn. so she has the right to show it off. she's fucking sexy, and beautiful, and stunning. stop trying to break her down bc it really only makes her stronger. @brittrobertson
brookesophia: that was sexy @dylanobrien
dylanobrien: was it now? 😏
hollandroden: i'm blasting out of here before this gets even more sexual. spraybaby, come with me
dylansprayberry: right behind you holls @hollandroden