Spot the Difference - Chapter 1 - Does The World Have It Out For Me?

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Eren's Pov:

I walked through the Campus of Maria University. My Suitcases struggled to keep up with me as I ran up to a desk outside of the Boy's Dorms.

"Hello, What's your name?" A male student, From the Tag on his shirt his name is Marco, asked me.

"Eren Jeager." I say as nicely as I could.

He nods and hands me a Key and a Sheet of coloured paper.

"You're in room 4005, It's on the top floor, The paper has your Schedule on it. Have fun. Oh and Club Sign-up starts at 5pm and runs till 9pm tonight, then begins again tomorrow at 9am."

I nod "Thank you" I then walk into the dorm building, rolling my Suitcases into the tiny elevator that was being held open.

"Eren, is that you? I thought Rose excepted you." I look to the side and see Armin staring at me.

"Armout, Hi! Yeah Rose did except me but the programs and clubs here are so much better since there's more people. Like here there's a LGBTQ+ Club and A great Art Club and Class."

Armin sighs, then smiles. "Well this is my stop." He hops out quickly, a duffle bag in his arms.

"See ya Around Eren. Oh, By the way I'm in room 2014. Text me later!" I nod as the doors shut and the metal box carried me up to the 4th and Final floor.

I step out of the Elevator slowly and couldn't help but smile. This is my chance at a new Life. I thought as I looked for my room.

"4000, 4001, 4002, 4003, 4004, 400- Ah, here it is!" I say as I walk up to 4005's Door.

I place the key in the lock and turned it slowly, after I unlocked the door, I walked inside, leading my suitcases in.

"My roommate isn't here as of yet, so I can organize my stuff!" I place my suitcases of the bed closest to the Window.

I opened up them and started placing most of my belongings in the 4 drawer Dresser on my side.

Top Drawer-Socks, Underwear (Mainly briefs), Undershirts, Pajamas.
2nd Drawer-Shirts and Jumpers.

3rd Drawer-Shorts and Pants.
4th Drawer- Drawing and Writing stuff.

I made sure the last Drawer was as organized as possible. After that, I placed Merch from the shows I watched on top of the dresser, as well as some of my manga.

As I'm finishing up, the Door handle rattles and slowly opens revealing-

"Fuck. I'm stuck with a Fucking Nerd this year?" A male with raven Black hair and a crap personality said as he walked in. I placed my laptop and the rest of my Manga and Textbooks on the desk on my side.

"Oh, Hello. My name's Eren... Eren Jeager." I smile at the male.

"Are you Fucking German or Some shit?" He asked me Rudely.

"Actually Yes I am. Sorry..." I mutter, feeling like a disappointment again in my life. I averted my eyes.

I finish putting everything away and grab my phone and keys before dashing out of my room and running to the second floor.

I check the time. 4:45, The Club sign-up starts up soon. I walk up to room 2014.

"Armin, It's me!" I called after knocking on the door. Soon the door opens and Armin walks out with a smile plastered onto his face.

"Come with me to the sign-up?" He asked and I nodded.

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