Spot The Difference - Chapter 16 - Eren?

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Eren's Pov (After He left the Dorm): I recommend you listen to "If I die Young" While reading this.

I walked into my last class of the day and smiled, It was my regular English class, quite easy compared to Levi's Advanced English Class. I sat at my usual spot near the front so I could see the board properly. Soon after everyone else seemed to flow into the empty classroom.

Around 5:00 the class ended, My english being longer than my other classes in the week.  I started to pack up my things, taking a while since I took out my sketchbook while class was going on, So I had to clean up extra. 

"See you on Wednesday Mr. Ashfall, Class was fun today!" I said walking towards the door. Ashfall grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from the door and locked it quickly. 

"Wait, Eren... You grades are horrible in my class? What thinks I can let you get away with that, Plus I want you to do something for me..." Mr. Ashfall pushed me onto the ground, my back against the cold tile that the room's floor was covered in. 

He removed my pants and I screamed. "NO, PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE! DON'T TOUCH ME THERE PLEASE!" As He rubbed my member through my boxers. He pulled my shirt up and over my head and began to litter my body with his horrendous dirty kisses. I screamed and struggled, attempting with every bone in my body to escape. 

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Ashfall went over and unlocked it. "Hello Jean, Yes he's here... Come right on in." Ashfall said and I curled into myself. Jean walked up to me and pulled a rope out from behind him. 

"Hey faggot, how about we tie ya up so we don't have to worry about anything while we fuck you?" I shake my head and scream, hoping anyone would hear me. They tied my wrists behind me and attached them to my ankles. I rolled around, still attempting to escape. 

"Mr. Ashfall, can you use your tie to gag him please?" Jean said, holding me down as my teacher gagged me. Tears stung my eyes as they pulled my boxers down. Mr. Ashfall and Jean both pull down their pants and boxers down, then the tears just stream out as one positions theirself at my entrance and the other removes my gag, just to shove his dick in my mouth.

I tried to ignore everything, pulling my mind to a blank. It was around 9:30 when they finally let me go, limping to my dorm halfway across campus. I got inside and placed my stuff now and Headed into the shower. I scrubbed my body so hard that I drew blood from recent cuts that were on my body, yet I couldn't get rid of this feeling. I heard the Door open, then slam shut and Levi calling out to me. I couldn't understand him at all, So I just ended my shower, wrapped myself in a black towel and walked to my bed, laying down and just crying.

Levi touched me and I just couldn't help but think it was Either Jean or Mr. Ashfall. I think Levi said he was going to call Historia, but I don't recall, I was just done...  I wanted sleep, but I didn't want the nightmares that are going to come with this experience. Soon the door opens and I hear Armin, Mikasa, and Marco. They walked over and sat next to Levi.

"GET AWAY FROM ME! PLEASE DON'T TOUCH ME!" I screamed as someone rubbed my arm. I curled up within myself. They talked to themselves but when the door opened suddenly and I heard Historia and my Mother, I shot up and opened my eyes. 

"Mutter, was machst du hier? Du solltest zu Hause sein, es ist zu spät für dich, hier zu sein!" I said to my mom, Tear stains under my eyes as she sits beside me. 

"Levi sagte, dass etwas falsch war, als er Historia anrief, sie hat mich gefasst und wir sind hierher gekommen. Was ist mit Sweetpea passiert? " She said, hugging me tightly, Mikasa smiled at us and Everyone else frowned, I'm guessing that they don't understand. 

"Mutter, Jean und Mr. Ashfall haben mich vergewaltigt. Momma Ich möchte nach Hause gehen" Both Mikasa and My mom hug me, pulling me close. My mom then tells everyone else. Levi storms out and the door slams behind him. Armin pulls me close and I just snuggle into the warmth of my close family and Friend. Historia's on the phone, I don't know who shes talking too, but Im scared.


Mutter, Jean und Mr. Ashfall haben mich vergewaltigt. Momma Ich möchte nach Hause gehen  
Translates to:
Mother, Jean and Mr. Ashfall raped me. Momma I want to go home.

Sorry It's not as long as I thought, but an update two days in a row. Wow, just wow

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