Spot The Difference - Chapter 8 - Bright Eyed Boy

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We fell asleep while watching anime. 

By the time I woke up, Levi was tangled within my legs and arms. It felt... Almost natural to lay with him like this. 

"Eren, What the Fuck?" He Wiggles away from me, ending up on the Floor. 

"What?" I asked, tear threatening to fall from my eyes.

"Just, why were we like that? T-Thats Nasty!" He nearly Screams at my face. 

I let the tears fall and I grabbed my crutches and ran from the room. I texted Armin, Mikasa, and Marco and asked them to met me at 'Titan's Cafe'. I hopped from the building and got to the Coffee shop. I ordered a Medium White hot chocolate with whipped cream.

A few minutes later Armin and Mikasa walk in, Followed by Marco. 

"Eren, What's wrong?" Armin says as he looks at me. 

"Levi's an asshole..." I mutter, tears falling again.

I explain to them what happened last night after they sat down. After I explained, I gave them money to go buy themselves drinks. 

The images of last night flooded my head. We had such a Good time watching the animes and reading some of my Manga. I wonder what made him change his heart that quickly this morning.

Levi's Pov:

I let him run out of the room. My head was all over the place. Images from last night Haunted m mind as I made his bed.

Tears stained the carpeted floor as I looked down.

Why did I feel like I just lost my everything?

Why do I feel so very lost?

Soon enough its pitch black outside and I hear a knock on the door. I open the door slowly, out of the 4 outside the door I register two as Eren and Armin.

I stand to the side as the four of them walk into the room. Eren sat on his bed and buried his face into the pillows. 

"Why did you say that to Eren?" The only Female in the group asked me.

"What that fuck do you mean by 'Why did you say that to Eren?'" I asked her back.

"YOU KNOW WHAT MIKASA SAID LEVI!" Armin yells at me. Eren covers his ears and starts heavily sobbing. 

The other male, whose name hasn't been mentioned yet comforts Eren. 

"Whatever I said that made all of you hate me, I'm Sorry..." I whisper the 'Sorry' and Everyone stares at me including Eren.

"Y-You hate me... Y-You've even s-said it yourself... I-I'm a faggot a-a-and Nasty and N-Nobody should l-love me. Y-you, Levi A-Ackermen, Have n-no Reason to be S-Sorry to a nobody l-like me." Eren manages to stutter out, before standing up, grabbing his Crutches and walking out of the room.

As soon as the door shut they were attacking me with words.

"Why would you get Erens hopes up."

"Why did you make him feel like that."

"You must have no heart if you can do this to someone who loves you."

"You broke his heart, you monster."

They're right... I'm a monster. An Emotionless monster. A hollow husk of once was a human. There is no way to get out of what I've done to the one I want to promise my Life to.

Tears escape my dead, gray eyes as I hang my head down in shame. 

"I'm so Sorry!!!" I screamed out to whoever was listening. 

I'm so sorry Eren for what I have made you feel... I'm sorry I'm an emotionless monster...

Eren's Pov:

I sat on the rooftop, my foot dangling off the side of the building. I looked up at the sky, and stars littered the blackness that is the night  with bright white dots.

The Cool night breeze blew my hair into my face, so I used my left hand and brushed the hair out of my face quickly.

"Eren...?" A voice called from the staircase. I looked over and saw Levi.

"What do you want Levi?" I asked as politely as I could. 

"I-I'm here to say I l-like you..." He says softly and I just barely hear it before he sits beside me.

I smile slightly and Lean my head on his shoulder.

"Are you sure?" I asked softly as I looked Levi in the eye.

He blushed and nodded, causing me to smile contently with the answer that he gave.

"Thank you Levi..."

700 words. slowly getting closer to 1000 words!

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