Spot The Difference - Chapter 4 - Classes, Art, And Levi Ackerman?

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Eren's Pov:

I awoke to my alarm going off. Levi wasn't in the room, which was great for me. It was 6 in the morning, so I had a quick, cold shower to wake up fully. I then get dressed and smiled at my outfit. I made myself a quick breakfast and began packing my bag. 

"Notebooks, Laptop, Drawing and writing supplies, Sketchbook..." I mumble to myself as I throw belongings into the bag. 

I checked my phone and saw It was 7:30. I throw my phone and charger into my bag, zip it up and grabbed my keys before running out the door. My first class was English Lit, which was quite a bit away. 

I made it to the class on time and jotted down the note that were placed upon the board by the teacher. 

Once my English class was over, I jogged to the art building, my heart pumping with excitement. I walked in and got out my supplies,  organizing them. This was the class where I could be free and unjudged, Well that is until...

Levi Ackerman walked into the class and stood in the middle, staring at me.

"Alright, Today class, you will be making a piece of Art including Levi here. It will be for marks. Begin please." The teacher explains and send us off.

With the task in mind, I set off, grabbing different pencils and shading areas. I decided to do a close up drawing of those Cold, Dead, Gray eyes of his. I didn't feel the need to use color as it would ruin the feel others would get from the work. 

I finish it within an hour, but I take extra time to clean up my lines and work on shading, so it takes almost 2 hours to finish. I signed the corner of the page and I take the Page and stand up, bringing it over to our teacher. 

"Thank you... Eren. It's wonderful. I'll be sure to show this to Levi and the rest of the class tomorrow. You definitely got an A+, Good work." 

I smile and walk back to my desk, cleaning up the area and placing my stuff back into my bag. 

(Time skip brought to you by Levi's Punk windex. It's black like my soul)

As I sat on my bed I can't help but wonder what Levi's reaction to my drawing is going to be. He seemed to hate my other ones and I really hated it.

I hated getting picked on for drawing. It relaxes me and puts me at ease. As I was about to take out my writing book, the doorknob rattles and the door squeaks open.

In walked Levi, with his usual scowl appearing on his face as he saw me. 

"What was that drawing Brat?" He asked me with no emotion. I shrugged.

"I drew. My mind was lost in the drawing. I did something I liked to do and It actually looked nice for once! I'm sorry Mr. Perfect doesn't like my drawings. Just get it over with and yell at me!" I Raise my voice near the end, my anger beginning to show.

He looks at me and his eyes widen in shock, his mouth hangs open and I can't help but poke fun at it. 

"Close your mouth or the Gays will come running." He automatically closes his mouth and send me a death glare. 

I smile to myself and begin to write. Trying to distract myself from my thoughts. I get so lost that when I look up again its dark out and Levi has his earbuds in and was scrolling through his phone. 

It was quiet for once and I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow

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