Spot The Difference - Chapter 6 - Hospital...

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"Levi, calm your cleaning tits"

Levi stared at me, rage filling his eyes as Hanji looks at us.

"Um Eren, was it? Yeah you might want to run!" Hanji says, running their fingers through their hair.

I took their word and ran, I ran past Armin's door and hit what felt like a wall. I looked up and saw Jean.

"Oh... umm... Jean I'm sorry, I'm going now...!" I struggled to say as he pinned me to the wall.

"Hm I didn't know you came here... Eren. Yeah I can remember your shitty eyes anywhere." He punched me in the face and the began kicking me against the wall, kicking my sides and legs so I couldn't stand.

He stomped on my left leg and I heard a crack before I was screaming in pain. He then broke my right arm, in one of my most painful spots too.

Tears streamed down my face as he continued to kick me.

"Get the fuck off of him!" I hear someone scream and I see that it's Levi, Armin pulling him down the hallway.

"L-Levi..." I muttered as I see Jean back away from me and head for Levi.

"That's a strong word coming from you, Midget." Jean scoffs and attempts to hit Levi, but he dodges and kicks Jean, knocking him down, then he grabs me and carries me outside of the dorm building.

"Are you a Fucking Idiot Eren? Why would you run out like that? Especially if you knew that... Jackass was here." He places me on the ground and I gasp in pain. 

His hands leave my side and he picks me up again and carries me to a car. He unlocks it and places me in the backseat, laying down. 

"Levi...? Where are you taking me?" I asked, confused.

"The hospital brat, he broke your arm and probably your leg too, right?" I nod slightly as he closes my door and opens his. He closes it and starts the car, then drives off.

When we get there, he carries me inside and up to the emergency entrance  front desk.

"Hey. HELLO?!?" The lady finally looks at Levi and I. 

"Yes?" She asks as if she can't see that he's carrying me. 

"My.... Friend here has at least a broken arm, and maybe a broken leg. It was at the university nearby. Can you please get him in so he can get on some pain meds." He looks at me and I nod. Everything was so painful and I just wanted to sleep.

She nods and calls a nurse to come help me. "Eren?" The nurse asks and I recognized her as the lady that always seemed to take care of me when I got into a fight with Jean. "Petra?" Both me and Levi say at the same time. Petra nods and shows me and Levi to my room. It's the same one I've been in every time I have been here. 

Levi places me on the bed and Petra hooks me up to everything I needed to be hooked up to, and gave me some pain meds to dull the pain until they can get me in to fix what got broken.

"If you need anything, just call. Okay Eren?" Petra asks, and I nod.

She shuts the door on the way out and I sigh. "Ugh I'll be here for another day waiting for these things to get fixed." I smile at Levi.

"You can Leave Levi. I'm... Fine by myself." I say to the older, yet shorter male that sat beside me. 

"No. I'm not leaving. I'm..." Levi looks away with a the lightest shade of pink lining his cheeks. 

I pull his head lightly, so hes looking at me, then I sit up slightly and bring my lips to his. 

"Thank you..." I say as I pulled away, falling asleep as soon as my head it the soft pillow. 


Welp don't ask about the song. Its weird. 

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