Spot The Difference - Chapter 10 - My Past

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Eren's Pov: Grade 9, Freshmen Year of High School.

I walked into the school slowly. It's been 2 months since the year started and Mikasa walked beside me ever so gently, until suddenly I'm pushed into the lockers along the side of the hall.

"Hey, Faggot!" Someone yelled into my face. Mikasa got held back and I could hear her struggle.

I was held against the  wall and punched repeatedly over and over again. I was coughing up blood and the person In front of me beat me until I was black and blue. They dropped me to the floor and began kicking my sides over and over. Mikasa broke free and ran to go get a Teacher. 

By the time Mikasa got back, They were gone and I was laying lifelessly on the floor.

Then I awoke in the Hospital. That was the First time where I was completely beaten for being Gay.

Eren's Pov: Present day.

I Awoke with a start. Tears stained my face and I screamed into the pillow. I accidently woke Levi. 

"Eren... What's wrong?" He asked me in a tired voice. I smiled shyly in our dimly lit dorm.

"It was just a nightmare.... No need to worry about me Levi..." I mutter

He looks at me and hugs my shaking frame. He rubs my head like he did earlier and it calms me down. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks and I nod slowly after taking a few moments to decide. I explain that I had a dream of the First time I was completely beaten at school and taken to the hospital. 

"The dream happens a lot... It's okay." I lean my head on Levi's shoulder. He rubs my back and I move my head to his lap, he then began to rub my head.

"It's not okay Eren, Have you gone to a therapist? It might be better if you got it off your chest to a professional." Levi says. I understand that it would be better, but since all of that happened I don't really trust adults. I shrug slightly.

"I don't really care to go to a professional... Last time I went to one, They put me on meds." I point to an almost full bottle of pills sitting on my dresser. 

"Apparently I had Depression and Panic attacks. I understand the Panic attacks, but the Depression wasn't true until the last 2 years of high school. I have started taking the Pills again, but I don't really think they helped, I still want or at least Wanted to end my life everyday." 

Levi looks at me with his normal piercing gaze.

"Eren, you need to talk to your doctor about getting them changed then." I Shrug at Levi's comment.

"I don't feel as depressed anymore though, so that should be better at least, And I could also talk to you about nightmares and stuff. Or I could talk to Armin or even Mikasa." I smile at Levi.

"We will talk more tomorrow brat, Night." Levi mumbles, rubbing my head, causing my eyes to fall slowly, encasing me in darkness.

Levi's Pov:

Once Eren was fully asleep again I took out my phone and texted a number that I have now memorized by heart.

Levi: Hey, Historia... Can I set up an appointment for my boyfriend with you? He has A history of at least Depression and Panic Attacks. He Most likely has Anxiety too. His Anti-Depressants aren't working like they are supposed to, and I might be A little worried about him

Historia: Of Course? Does Monday at 4pm work for both of you? I would love to help him out. text me the name of his meds and his full name please.

Levi: Its called ******* and his Full name is Eren Jeager. I hope that's enough, Thanks Historia. 

I closed my phone and laid beside my taller partner, Pulling his body closer to me. I stroked his head and kissed it slightly.

"Night Jeager..." I whispered.

*Time skip is brought to you by Sweet levi, Here for a limited time.*

Today was Sunday, So I was making plans for tomorrow after our classes. I'm going to take Eren to Historia's at around 3pm tomorrow, and after his appointment, I'm gonna take him out for dinner. I hope he doesn't hate me for this.

I'm doing this because I care for him, And I want to help him because I had no one to help me when I lived with Kenny. No one cared for me in that crappy, useless community.

But that Community was where I met Erwin, and later on Hanji. 

I just hope this works out tomorrow.

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