Spot The Difference - Chapter 19 - Flashbacks

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I then walked back to my dorm and saw a Smiling Eren, though he still looked extremely sad.

"Eren are you okay? Jean and Ashfall are gone..." I smiled at the Brunette, rubbing his back slightly.

Eren's Pov, Flashback.

"I fucking hate you! My only son, and he's a fucking faggot!!" My father screamed at me. He slapped me across the face, kicking me down and hitting me over and over, blood seeping out of me.

My mother wasn't coming home tonight, I knew she wouldn't want to be near me, but I rather her hate me and be here, then leave and make me deal with my father.

"I'm sorry! I can't help it! I love him dad!" I screamed, earning me another kick, directly in the face. "If you're my son, you will marry Mikasa and carry our family line along. I don't need a Faggot to "adopt" like we had to fucking do. You're going to produce kids whether or not you fucking like it Eren!" My father screamed, kicking my ribs harder and harder. 

Tears streamed down my face ever so slowly, my hands covering my face. I came out to my parents by bringing my boyfriend Jean over, It was when I was 13, having grade 7 together. This was well before he started picking on me. I pushed Jean out the door earlier after kissing his cheek softly, my mother left right after Jean, leaving me with my homophobic father, who was hitting me repeatedly. 

He left me alone to grab a drink and I ran up to my room, packing a small bag and climbing out the window, hopping down and running to Armin's house. I knocked on the door anxiously and when it opened, Armin's grandfather pulled me inside and started looking me over. I didn't cry often so he knew something was wrong when I started crying into his shoulder. Armin's Grandfather was like a dad to me and Armin. 

I had my phone in my bag and I quickly texted Mikasa where I was, then Armin's Grandfather sat beside me until I passed out. 

Next Flashback:

I was packing up my stuff, getting prepared for University. Jean hated me, but the only university that was close and LGBTQ supporting was Maria Uni. Even if i was given a scholarship for Rose, I couldn't. My mom has always accepted me, but never my father, and he was the one I looked up to the most. Mom supported my drive for being an artist and even bought a few of my works, helping me save up for Maria myself. 

But the night before, my dad trashed my room, breaking my pencils, pens, markers, and everything else I mainly used for art, all the stuff I would need for my art course in university. 

I didn't want to believe his harsh words, but they came biting back.

"EREN!" I shake with a start. "L-Levi?" I questioned, staring at the older male in front of my shaking body. 

Levi rubs away my tears softly, pressing soft kisses to my temples and eyelids. "Thank you Levi..." I mumbled before curling into the male close to me. 
You're not welcome. 

Have fun

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