Spot The Difference - Chapter 13 - Questions, Yet No Answers

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Mikasa and Armin showed up after a few minutes of Levi calling them. They jump onto my bed and start bombarding me with the same questions Levi was asking, yet one question struck me like an unwanted needle, usually they would let it pass, but not this time I guess.

"Eren, did you relapse?" Mikasa asked, I shrug as I begin hide under the covers on my bed. Someone rubs my back as I lay under the blankets, tears threatening to fall.

"Eren... We want to help you... Please" A voice whispers, causing my body to curl into itself more.

"Mikasa, This happened in Middle and High school. He Relapsed only after a few months, How do you think he's going to feel? It's not the first time, and I doubt its going to be the last." Armin seems to mutter in a hushed tone. As if I can't hear them hovering over me.

"J-Just leave me alone... It could just be a thing that happened due to stress... You never know? I'll start going to the gym or something to get rid of this fat body of mine, okay?" I mutter, slowly removing myself from the boiling blankets.

The two newcomers into Levi and I's dorm leave after nodding to me. Levi sits on my bed and looks at me, a sad frown crossing his face as soon as the door closed.

"Is it because of me?" He asked. "Is it because you don't want me to dislike you? Eren, I will alway like you, okay?" Levi smiles slightly at me.

"I'm too fat for you to Like Levi. Why would you like someone as shitty as me?" I asked, Covering my ashamed face with my hands.

Levi shrugged and moved closer to me, pulling me into a warm Embrace. I hug him back, my arms wrapping around his neck, pulling the short male closer to me, Planning on never letting go.

Sorry for the short chapter.

Nothings going to be updated until at least thursday next week, Heading to Vancouver for a Band thing tomorrow :)

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