Spot The Difference -Chapter 14 - Old Habits Die Hard

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Soon Levi let go of me and Pushed me to the bed softly, slowly laying down beside me and wrapping his arms around his arms around me tightly, pulling my body closer to him.

"Levi, I thought the taller one was supposed to be the big spoon, so shouldn't it be me wrapping my arms around you body?" I asked, confused as why he was doing this.

"Maybe another night... Tonight I want to be the one to hold you. You deserve this, I promise." Levi answers.

I smile and snuggle closer into the male that held me as if I was fragile china and could break at a gust of wind. He buried his head into the crook of my neck and pulled me even closer then I thought possible.

"I... I love you Levi. I'm so so so Sorry that this happened. I thought I was fine, That I was actually leaning away from High school in a sense. I thought that after a few months I wouldn't relapse at all, but I did and now here we are. I'm sorry if you don't trust me anymore and I'm sorry you had to walk in on that. I should have just told you after I told Historia, but I was scared that you would leave me and I didn't want that to happen... Not again." I say, My head ending up under my pillow as I awaited Levi's Response.

"I love you too Eren. Don't be, You couldn't have known that this would happen. You will be fine, I'll help you through this. I will always be here for you. I will Try my best to help with your Depression and everything else, just tell me what to do and I'll help you." Levi said, snuggling closer to me, causing a crimson blush to line my cheeks in embarrassment.

I turn to face Levi and smile. "Thank you.." I whisper, Pecking him on the lips lightly, before falling into a slumber that would make any insomniac cry.

{Time skip brought to you by: Edgy Eren, Jumping off of Colossal bridge since he was 14!}

When I awoke, Levi was nowhere to be seen. It was Tuesday and I didn't have classes until later today, But Levi had his Advanced English class at around 9, 2 hours before I had to be at class. I get up and look at my phone, seeing it was 8:45, 15 minutes before Levi started class, though it is on the other side of the campus, Unlike my classes, the main art wing being a 5 minute walk from me and Levi's dorm. I text Levi a message just saying Good morning, Then I hopped into the shower and got my clothes together and on my body, then I got my supplies for Art class ready.

I didn't eat because I just didn't feel hungry. I throw my backpack on, grabbed my phone and keys and walked out the door, Then locked the door behind me. I walked around the dorm slowly, Then pulled out my phone and checked the time and saw it was 10:30, I had half an hour left before my Art class began, so I headed to the classroom and did some free sketching before the class began. (See Image for what the drawing looks like)

The teacher walked over right as I finished the drawing, smiling at me. "Eren, Could I put some of your artwork up? I want others to strive to produce art with the quality like yours." I nod to Her. "Sure Ms. Just go through my sketchbook and take out whichever you want, just don't wreck them please?" She Nods and practically runs away with my full sketchbook from before I came to the University.

Soon the class starts, and it's practically a free art period because the teacher was still sifting through my book, So I continued adding detail to my drawing, Adding more color and designs. Once I was done, I brought the art to the teacher, but she was so absorbed in my older drawings that she didn't notice me. I just decided to place it on her desk. I didn't want to keep much of my artwork anymore anyways.

I picked up my stuff and walked out of the class, headed back to my dorm. When I go inside I shut the door and sat on my bed. I was in that classroom for about an hour, so It was around 12:30. I waited for a few minutes and then Levi walked through the door. 

"Hello Levi." I said, looking at the shorter male in envy. "How are you? Were your classes good? Have you had lunch, Or do I have to make something for you? I'd be happy to make you something!" I asked, Levi staring at me.

"Oi, Brat... Slow the fuck down. I'm Fine. Classes were fine. I got brought lunch by Hanji, So I'm fine. Thank you though." Levi said, flashing a smile my way. I nod and lay on my bed. 

"Eren, aren't you going to eat?" Levi asked, and I shrugged. I wasn't really hungry, even if I hadn't eaten yet today. I smiled at Levi as he looked at me questionably. I stand up and walk over to him and sit beside him on his bed. "I'm not overly hungry. Haven't been all morning. Also the Art Teacher wanted my work to hang around the class, so if you're ever in there, my artwork will be hanging." 

Levi nodded, and smiled at me, pulling me into a hug

Levi's Pov:

I Looked over at Eren. He looked slightly pale, as if he hasn't slept much. And when he walked over to my bed, he was swaying slightly. I rub Eren's back lightly as I pulled him close to me. 

"Levi?" The brat asked, snuggling closer into my arms. "Yes Eren?" I asked the brown mopped male beside me. 

"Do you think I'm Fat Levi? " He asked in a hushed voice, as if he didn't actually want me to hear him. I look him in the eyes and Sigh. "Eren, You're not Fat, nor are you skinny. You're the perfect size for yourself and you look adorable. I don't care if you get fat, but if you suddenly get really skinny, I'm gonna worry about you and take you to Historia and the Hospital with Petra. I Don't want to have to do that, But I want to keep you safe... You understand that right?" I said, Staring and the younger, yet taller male.

He shrugged. HE FUCKING SHRUGGED AT ME. I sighed again and cupped his face. "Eren... I will call Historia and tell her to come here. I'm scared for you and your health. Please Eren... You're not fat, I love you the way you are. Scars, broken bones, bruises. I love it all because it defines you. It makes you... well you, and that's all that matters to me." I say, trying to hide the tremors in my voice. 

I look at the clock beside my pillow and poke Eren. "It's 1:30 Eren, You should head to English. Okay? I'll see you at 6 for dinner, okay." I smile at him, and he nods. He gets up and grabs his bag, then walked out the door, heading to what I could only hope was the English Building on the other end of the campus.


1239 Words. Also thank you for reading this and if you comment and vote, I thank you even more. Please don't forget to reply to my message on my profile today, I want to make a new story and I need some Ideas, so yeah reply to that please.

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