Spot The Difference - Chapter 2 - He Doesn't Know Me...

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Eren's Pov:

"Armin, What clubs are you going to join?" I asked Him as we walked to the main building when the sign-up is being held.

"Hopefully Something with Math and Science. What about you Eren?"

"Art, Something to do with Writing, LQBTQ+, Maybe something to do with music." As I finished talking, we are inside the building.

"I'm going to go wander. Text me when you leave okay Eren?" I nod and I split off from Armin.

I end up signing up for Art, and the LGBTQ+ club. I smiled as I place the Rainbow pin I got in my back pocket and I open my phone and text Armin.

E- "I'm heading back to the dorms, Talk to you tomorrow."

I smile as I walk into my room after 10 minutes of walking from the main building.

My roommate wasn't here. Score! I can Draw without hassle! I grabbed out my Sketchbook and some Pencils, along with my copic and my multiliner. I sat on my bed and began roughly sketching a body. I then went and cleaned up my lines with my pencil, then I erased lightly and went over my lines with the multiliner.

I was almost done lining when the door opened for the second time today.

"Welcome back... Umm.." I finished up lining and was placing my liner down when my Sketchbook got Snatched.

"Hey! What the hell?!? Give it back!" I screamed as he flipped through my Art.

He threw the book. Some of the pages that were loose fell out and I was already about to cry until...

"That's Gay. Are you a Fag or a Girl or some other shit like that? Fucking gay Weeb. Fucking Faggot."

That's when I broke. Tears fell and I curled myself into a ball. The words hurt like hell. I should be used to this from highschool, But I thought university would be different. I hated this feeling, this feeling of helplessness and disappointment.

Someone touched my shoulder and I moved away.

"Fuck off!" I screamed at the body hovering over me.

"My name is Levi..."

I then passed out from exhaustion.

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