Spot The Difference - Chapter 17 - Erwin Smith, The Principle?

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Levi's Pov:

 I ran across campus, heading to Erwin's office. I burst open the door and lean over his desk, panting, attempting to get whatever little breath I could so I could get Ashfall Fired and Jean Expelled.

"Erwin, My boyfriend was raped by Mr. Ashfall and Jean Kirschtein who is a first year like my boyfriend! DO SOMETHING EYEBROWS!" I screamed, my anger overflowing as I paced around Eyebrow's office. 

"Levi, calm down... Do you even have proof?" 

"Of Course. My boyfriend can't go anywhere near me, Mr. Ashfall's Door was locked when I went looking for Eren, Eren was supposed to be home at 6, he got home at 9:30, or later... I had to call Mikasa, Armin, Marco, Historia, and Carla Jeager. Eren even said in German that he was raped. Do you think I would actually lie about this? I actually liked Mr. Ashfall, He was my Teaching Degree Prof." I said, frowning at my friend, Erwin's eyes widening. 

(Marco? JEAN? MARCO? JEAN?!? MARCO?!?!? MARCO?!?!?!?!? MARCO?!?!?!?!? (Im so sorry...))

"Consider Ian Ashfall not a Teacher here anymore, I'll call the cops if Historia hasn't already, Get Jean down here within a few days and I'll expel Jean, Just get back to Jeager, okay. I'll call you tomorrow." Erwin says and I nod, rushing out of the building and down to the dorms again. I walked into the room and there were 2 officers talking to Eren. 

I sit beside Him and His mom, Historia smiled and stood against the wall. Mikasa, Armin, and Marco had left, Probably going to sleep since they had school tomorrow. Eren Hugged me as soon as he noticed me. 

"I'm Levi Ackermen. I'm Eren's Boyfriend. I was the one who went looking for him today, and Who blew up his phones notices by worrying. Need me to confirm anything Officers?" I asked, placing a blank Expression on my face. They nod and begin asking me questions about what happened, who Jean and Mr. Ashfall were, explaining other things as well. When We Finally finished, it was around Midnight, Carla was Sleeping on Eren's bed while Eren Slept with me.

"Eren, Please go to sleep, It's gonna be okay. I'm here if you wake up." I smile within the dark and hold Eren close to me, He goes still for a while, I'm guessing He thought I was Jean or Ian, but then he relaxed into my touch, his breathing becoming slow with sleep. 

I snuggled into Eren and began to falls asleep, slowly, yet surely.

Eren's Pov:

Everything around me was flashing, There was the sound of cannons, Swords, Gas, and Grappling hooks digging into things. It smelt of Smoke, Gas, and blood. I wore this half jacket and then I saw Jean and he Just smirk. 

Then my surroundings turned to the classroom, Ashfall and Jean above me, my clothes missing and their dirty hands tightening around parts of my pale body. Everything was off my mind as I began screaming. 

Everything changed again and It was Levi, he looked emotionless and stared at me with that emotionless barrier. 

"Eren, I'm Breaking up with you. I won't be with a Fucking Slut."

My Eyes shot open as my heart rate attempted to become slowing, trying to control my breathing. I lay back and sigh, curling into Levi more.

"He won't leave me over this... Right?" I muttered to myself, but I'm not so sure.




I must of hit you all with Shock. Are you shook enough yet. I swear its just going to get worse :) 

Well I'll stop bugging you all. Have fun with 15-17 am I right?

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