Spot The Difference - Chapter 20 - He's Gone.

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Levi's Pov:

When I awoke, Eren was gone and his stuff didn't even seem to exist. I walked around campus, hoping I would run into someone that had heard from my Eren. I walked and found Armin, so I stopped and Asked him.

"Hey, Do you know what happened to Eren?" I asked, fear appearing in my voice more than I wanted it to. 

"He got transferred to Rose, Since the scholarship there allowed him to be himself and he was further away from his father there. I'm sorry Levi, I thought he would have told you." Armin explained, tears actually threatening to fall. 

I nod and run back to my room and break down, I didn't understand. I looked at my phone and saw nothing from eren, so I sat down and called my boyfriend.

"The person you are trying to reach is currently unavailable, after the Tone, please record your message after the tone. *Beeeeeep* "

"H-Hey Eren... A-Armin told me you went to Rose. D-Did I Do S-Something wrong? W-Was it because of me? I-I'm sorry okay..." I end the call and just start crying an endless stream of tears, my life wouldn't be the same without him here.

In a sense Eren was my rock while I was his Pole, we needed each other even if it didn't seem like it. 

So, this is the end?

I could write a sequel if I get enough support.

I know this isn't the happy ending you all wanted but, welcome to my life.

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