Spot The Difference - Chapter 3 - Really? While I'm in The Room Too?

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Eren's Pov:

When I awoke, It was not a pretty sight, or sound at that. Levi and Some girl decided to have Sex in his bed, and it's not like they were being quiet. I shoved my phone and keys in my pocket and covered my eyes, high tailing it out of the room.

I open my eyes after the door was closed behind me. Does he have no respect for others? I decided to text Armin for help.

E- "Armout, Help. My roommate decided it would be okay to have sex in the dorm while I was right there, not to mention there was a naked girl and I almost gagged."

A- "Eren, 1. Stop calling me Armout, and 2. Go Tell Student Support of you're floors RA. I can't help."

E- "Fine Armin, I'll let you boss me around this once, and only because its Midnight."

I walked down the hall to the Student Support office and I was greeted by a Guy around my age.

"How can I help you?" He asked and I sighed.

"Well, My roommate... I think he said his name was Levi, was, or still is, Having sex in our dorm. Usually I wouldn't care, but I have my first 8am class tomorrow and I need sleep." I explained and the Male sighed.

"Levi huh? As in Levi Ackerman? I'm Really sorry about him, but there's not much we can do. Your RA can't do anything either." I smile at him.

"It's fine, I can tough it out, Thanks anyways!" He nods and I walk out of the office and head back to my room.

I open the door and all I can smell is Sex and sweat. It's gross.

I picked up my sketchbook and some of my pencils I left on my bed and I began to draw something else. I couldn't see what I was drawing but it was relaxing. I smiled as I finished the drawing. I place the stuff on my desk and went to bed.

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