Spot The Difference - Chapter 12 - Some Doors Are Meant to Stay Locked

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*Author here, I know I don't normally do this, but this chapter has some very trigger subject matter. If you are not okay with bulimia, then please go ahead and skip the chapter. Or skip the parts in which Eren goes to the bathroom. I decided to use this to further my story. If you deal with any of the Triggering subject matter I put in the Past, Present, or Future, Please reach out to me. I'm always here and I will always help those who need it. I hope you Enjoy.*

We walk into a small restaurant after picking up the medication Historia suggested. It was dimly lit and smelt wonderful. It was a little family run place that when I looked at the passing food, it made my mouth water. We got placed at a small 2 seater table. I sat down and Levi sat across from me, his hand finding mine and holding it on the table top.

"Can I get you guys any drinks?" The waiter asked us. I ordered a Raspberry Lemonade whereas Levi got a tea, Earl Grey to be exact.

I looked at the slightly beat up menu. I found something that I haven't had for a year.

"I'm going to get the sushi platter if that's okay?" I ask and my boyfriend nods.

"Yeah, I'm going to get the Steak dinner, Sounds appetizing." I smile at his response, and when the waiter comes with our drinks, we order our food. Sometime later, our food arrives and I dig in, savoring the flavor. I smile as I watch Levi eat from the corner of my eye.

I finished what I had ordered, The sushi tasted great and I enjoyed every drop of the food I ate. I looked to Levi and saw his almost perfectly toned body, and it made me feel fat. I tried to stop myself, but soon enough I was excusing myself from the table and rushing into the men's washroom.

I locked myself in the stall, after making sure nobody was within said washroom. I sigh as I lean over the toilet. I stick my fingers down my thoat and cough as every I had today comes up and liters the toilet bowl. I flushed the toilet quickly and wiped my mouth on a peice of papertowel after I left the stall. I rinse my face off and was my hands. I slowly make my way back to the table where Levi sat waiting. I smile at him and sit down, a wave of nausia flooding over me.

"Are you okay Eren? You look really pale...' Levi asks and I shrug.

"Just Tired... Can we go home yet?" I ask and Levi nods. He walks over to a counter and pays the bill as I stand up from the chair, swaying slightly. Levi finishes paying and We walk to his car.

I get into the Car and buckle up, Looking out the window as I'm lost in my thoughts. We pull into the Dorm's Parking lot, and once parked, I get out and I quickly walk to our dorm. I get inside and Collaspe on my bed, holding my stomach. Levi walks in soon after and stares at me. I look to my body and see that I am shaking. I shrugh and Dig into my sweater pocket where I put the pills. I place one of the pills in my mouth and grab a water bottle from beside my bed. I take a sip, downing the pill with the water.

I lay down afterwards and Sigh. Levi brings over a tub of Cookie Dough Ice Cream and two spoons. He sets it down beside me and grabs my laptop, opening it as he sits down. Since I don't have a passcode, He goes to crunchyroll, my account already signed up and Looks at the Anime list that is on the website.

"How about Assassionation Classsroom?" Levi asks, and I nod, shoveling spoonfuls of Ice Cream into my mouth. He begins the Episode and once the Intro plays I get up, after eating half of the Ice cream already, and Walk into the bathroom.

I shut the door and lean over the Toilet, repeating the Procces from earlier, coughing and throwing whatever was in my gut up. Levi walks in as I'm leaning over the toilet bowl, sweat dripping down my face from shoving my fingers down my throat.

"Eren... What are you doing?" He asks and I shrug, standing up and flushing the throw up down the drain. I rinse my face off for the second time this Evening and look at Levi.

He pulls me into his arms and holds me for a while. He feels my forhead, like I'm some 7 year old, and determines that I am not in fact sick, so He starts questioning me.

"Are you forcing yourself to do this. Is it because of the Meds Historia said to get? Why do you look so pale? Should I get Mikasa, Armin, and Marco? Is there anything I can do???" He asks me, all the questions flying past me as I lay back down on my bed. I cover my ears from the ongoing question assult.

"Fine, I'm calling Mikasa and Armin, They can grab Marco if they want." Levi says, Leaving me to myself for however few minutes I have before I'm bombbarded with more questions

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