Spot The Difference - Chapter 5 - What is He Doing?

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Levi's Pov:

I look over and see that the brat I'm rooming with is asleep. I learned from this dude named Armin that the Brat didn't get much sleep due to his frequent trips to the hospital in Highschool, so I decided to stop being noisy.

"Tch.." I sigh. This brat is changing me... I scrolled through my Instagram and found his account. "Really...? Anime_Weebs_World? Really...?" I mutter to myself as I follow his account and scroll through his posts. I saw a post that lead me to his personal, then I saw how bad those hospital trips got.

I gagged and put my phone away, attempting to sleep.

Eren's Pov:

I awoke and realized I didn't have classes. I grab my phone and press the home button, turning the screen on. I see I got a new follower and smile. They followed both my Anime and Personal account. I place my thumb on my Iphone's home button and unlock it, going through my apps until I found instagram. I follow the person back and scroll through their account. That's when I realized...

"Morning Brat. Wanna go out with me to see some friends?" Levi asked me in a bored tone.

"U-Um actually... I have plans...?" I asked myself. I just don't really want to go out. I just wanted to stay in bed all day and Draw. Maybe even Read some Manga or watch a New anime.

"I also wanted to say I'm sorry. I guess for everything. Tch... What have you done to me?" He whispered the last part and I looked at him wide-eyed.

"W-Why do you say you're sorry?" I asked him in a hushed tone, my cheeks hot from embarrassment. Levi just walked over to my dresser and picked up a Pop! figure that I had sitting on top of it.

"Why are you so into this stuff?" He asked me, dodging my question completely.

"It... It gave me a distraction in High school while  I was..." I cut myself off. I didn't want him to know my past life. I came here for change. This Isn't High School.

"I already know what happened. I ran into a blonde coconut named Armin and I asked him if he knew you. He apparently did know you in high school and decided to tell me to be nice to you. I agreed, but I asked why he was so desperate for me to be nice to you. He told me what happened to you in great detail. Then last night I found both of your Instagrams and followed you. I saw the pictures. I'm so sorry..."

I stood there wide eyed. This wasn't supposed to happen. I don't trust him. I can't.

"F-Fine... I'll come with you. I need to get out of the Dorm..." I smile slightly.

Armin told me yesterday that Jean was in my classes and that Jean was his roommate. I had to stay away from that area of the dorms.

Levi leads me down to the second floor and I frown. I walk beside Levi and he leads me to the room beside 2014.

"My friend Hanji lives here, I think with me and their's other friend, Erwin." Levi says as he opens the rooms door.

"SHORT STACK!" A loud voice squeals,  making me take a step back.

"Oi, Eren... You said you would come, that means you have to deal with crazy as much as I do."

I shrug as we walk in fully. The place was a disgusting disaster.

Chairs left, right, and centre. Glasses filled with questionable liquids. Levi was panicking.

"Woah, Levi calm your cleaning tits"

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