Spot The Difference - Chapter 11 - Trust me, Even Without Food?

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Eren's Pov:

 Levi drags me to his car. He said he's taking me on date. I haven't eaten much lately, but that's due to the medications I on. He hands me a eye mask, that people mainly use for sleeping.

"Just put it on Eren, The date is A Surprise okay?" I nod as Levi finishes and I place the Eye mask over my eyes.

About an hour later, which was very boring and I had to Socialize, I know... Scary right?, We arrived at our destination. Levi got out, Opened my door and Lead me to the date. It was a quiet little area. Levi opened the door slowly and lead me up some stairs. He opens another door and leads me to a chair.

"When the door closes, take off your blindfold, Okay Eren?" I nod and flash a thumbs up.

The door shut and I threw off the Blindfold. I was greeted by a blonde female and Levi was nowhere in sight. 

"Hello Eren, My name is Historia. I'm a friend of Levi's from his "terrible times" is what he called them. Levi Told me that you have a History of Depression and Panic attacks, and maybe Anxiety. He was really worried about you and wanted you to get some help, And I'm not going to make you guys pay." She smiles at me.

I cough slightly and look to my feet. "Yeah I have Anxiety as well. My Anti-depressants haven't been working how my old Doctor said that they should and I guess that would be worrisome. I've still been taking them, But I haven't been eating much and I barely get any sleep due to them. The Panic attacks are caused by my depression and Anxiety, So there's not much that can  be done about that." I explain. I can't believe how open I'm being with this person. 

Soon enough we finish and Historia hands me a Card and a sheet of paper.

"Okay, So Go get these, They should help a lot more, surround yourself with the people you love. And Text or Call whenever you want to book your next appointment or Chat with me." She explains as she opened the Door. 

I follow her downstairs and to Levi. I smile at him and show him the paper.

"So you found some better ones? Thank you Historia, I owe you one." He hugs me gently. 

"No worries Levi, Go have some dinner, and Come back whenever you need to." She says as Levi leads me through the front door. I nod and we walk over to Levi's care, getting in.

"So dinner?" I ask and He nods, Driving us back to the city in which the university was in. 

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