Spot The Difference - Chapter 9 - What ARE We?

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The next morning, A monday more exactly, I was up and rushing to my classes. I limped into the English Building and Sat in my professor's room. I was the last to arrive of course and everyone stared at me.

The school days were as long and as boring as I remembered and I still couldn't work on the Art project.

Levi Comforted me while I cried. Yes, I did cry because I could not Draw for an Entire... How many weeks did the stupid doctor say? Oh yeah thats right, 3... 3 GOD DAMNED WEEKS!

Today, I sat on my bed, waiting for Levi to come home when I got an Email from my Mom. I opened it and Smiled.

Dear Eren,

How is University Treating you? I really do hope that the Jean kid Mikasa called me about wasn't the same one as High School.

Have you Found a boyfriend yet? Since you left, our small town has been over-ridden with Cute boys around your age.

Are you going to bring Mikasa and Armin over again this year for Thanksgiving and Christmas? If So let me know so I can plan ahead :)

Love you lots,

I typed up a Response and smiled to myself.

Dear Mom,

Uni is really fun so far! Yes the Jean kid is the same one from High school. My left leg and my Right arm are broken and casts won't be off for another 2 and a half weeks.

I might have found a boyfriend. It's a little complicated but I would love to explain when we have Thanksgiving break. It's good that the town is getting more kids around my age to be there. It won't be such a small town anymore though if they go around like rabbits.

Yes, I'll bring Mikasa and Armin, Is it okay if I also bring my Maybe boyfriend? I want you guys to meet him, even if we don't work out :)

I can't wait to see you guys again, It feels like it's been too long.

Talk soon,

I sent the email off as the dorm room's door opened.

"Hey Eren, why do you look so happy?" Levi asked, sitting beside me on my bed.

"I was Talking to my mom. Want to come with me and my 2 friends to my hometown when Thanksgiving and Christmas rolls around?" I asked.

Levi Nodded, he had a weird look on his face though.

"Oh, Levi... Another Question... What ARE We? Like are we Dating or are we-"

"We are Dating. I thought that much was obvious" I look at Levi and smile.

His lips then crash into mine, ours melting together and him dominating me.

I softly, yet also roughly get pushed so I'm laying on the bed. Levi Straddles me and I blush, pulling away from the kiss.

"L-Levi... We can't... Not yet... I'm not ready, and I'm crippled" I break into laughing at the last word I muttered.

He smirks at me and let's me out. I lay my head on his lap and smile.

"Thank you Levi..." I whispered as he stroked my hair.

"No problem Bright Eyes" I look up at Levi and see him smiling at me. I blush and turn away quickly.

He rubs my head slowly and I slowly fall asleep. I trust Levi with all my heart...

I don't want to be broken again...
Sorry about the short chapter... I want to get more out don't worry. I have lots of Ideas for this and My Demons.

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