Spot The Difference - Chapter 18 - Expelled and Fired

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Eren's Pov:

When I awoke for the second time,  Levi was In the shower. I Didn't want to go to class, any of them. My thighs hurt and my ass was sore. I curled up into myself more and hugged my knees to my chest. Tears landed on the bedsheet and I didn't even realize my mother was beside me.

"Eren, Are you okay?" She asked, pulling my close to her. I shake my head and cry into her body, shaking. "Momma I want to go Home..." I muttered into her shoulder, trying to bring her closer to my body, I didn't ever want to let go, but she probably had to go home today to take care of My dad. 

A while later Levi stepped into the room, joining the hugging cuddle My mom and I had going. "Levi, I Don't want to go to class..." I muttered to the older male. He nodded before pulling out his phone and texting someone. 

"Erwin's fine with it, don't worry about it baby, You can stay right here. Carla, You should probably head to Mika's Dorm, Historia stayed there last night and apparently is also Driving home in like 15 minutes." Levi Explained. My mom whispered some things and Levi nodded his head and whispered a "Yes" To her, then she left the room, just after she gave me A hug and kissed my forehead. 

After the door was closed, I laid back down on the bed. "Levi... It hurts..." I mumbled and He seemed to stand up and head to the bathroom. He came back with a cup and a pill. "Here's An Tylenol and a cup of water. I know you can't have advil with you're Antidepressants." He explains and I nod, Frowning slightly, but taking it nonetheless. 

After I take it, I curled myself into a ball and Levi holds my hand gently. "It's okay Eren, I'm here. Jean is getting Expelled, and Mr. Ashfall Should be getting fired, So your English Teacher might end up being Mrs. Michelle." Levi said and I groan out in pain and acknowledgment. He rubbed my back and I frowned, but fell into another restless sleep.

Levi's Pov:

Eren Fell asleep, He seemed very disoriented and Tired, but also completely scared and worried. I don't Understand why Jean or Ian would even go after my Eren. What had he done to them other than be behind in English class and be Gay. He didn't deserve this.

I stood up, leaving a note for the younger as I went of the Search for Jean. I check Armin's Dorm, and there he was, just sitting on the bed.

"Jean, Mr. Smith has been looking for you, Could you come with me please?" I asked, Trying to be as nice as I could.   He shrugs and Stands up, following me out of the Building and to Erwin's office. 

I open the door and see the two officers from last night. "This is Jean Kirschtein, I brought him for you Erwin." Erwin nods to me and tells me to sit down beside Jean. 

"Mr. Ashfall is on his way as well, we will wait for him before Explaining whats going on Jean." Erwin explained to the confused looking Jean.

When Ian Arrived, Jean sighed as well as Ian. "JeanKirschtein , You're expelled for The Rape of Eren Jaeger, And Ian Ashfall, You are Fired for The Rape of Eren Jaeger as well, Please go with Officer Gunther and Officer Eld." I smirk at the two as they stood and were handcuffed. 

"You are being arrested for the Raped of 19 year old Eren Jaeger. You have the Right to remain silent, everything you can and will be used against you in the court of law." One of the officers speaks, taking the two adults with them and I let out a sigh once the door closed. 

"Thank you Erwin. I'll get going now." I said, smiling to him. 

I then walked back to my dorm and saw a Smiling Eren, though he still looked extremely sad. 

There's a glitch saying that there is only 1 word, so I don't actually know how long this chapter really is . 

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