Chapter 6: I Challenge my Mother

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"You really think he might help us?" I sat in the corner both with Mason. It was small and we were so close quarters that I kept accidentally grabbing his Pit-Cola (I don't know how he can drink that stuff!) instead of my Pepsi.

"Uncle Ford is a paranormal investigator who spent 30 years in another dimension. I'm sure he'll help us." He grabbed my pop but realized it before he took a drink. "I don't think he wouldn't want us to go at it alone."

I nodded. So that's where all the scars were from. I pulled my glove down a little further. Although I hadn't told anyone, Lucy had managed to get to me for a little last night. She had slit my wrist before sinking back into my subconscious. "Then the question that arises is how do we get to another dimension?"

"Uncle Ford might be able to help us with that too." Mason finished off his McDouble. "We should probably get back."

I finished off my pop. "Alright hold on. I actually like the fries here." I shoved all of our left over fries into my burger container. "There." We stood up together and walked out the door. I could feel people staring at us and it made me feel awkward.

Outside, Mason took the helmets and ear pieces from my saddle bag. "You have a lot of crap in that bag."

"You want in on a secret?" I turned on the ear piece and placed in in my ear. "It's that I know. There is also boxes full of snack cakes and bags of candies." I threw my leg over the bike and picked it up off the kickstand.

Mason climbed on behind me. "Okay I get it." He sat awkwardly behind me like he thought I might break if he got to close. At least this time he actually held onto me as I started the bike. "To the Mystery Shack!"

I took off quickly and he grabbed into me a little tighter. It was nice. "You sound like an excited toddler. Don't open your mouth too wide this time. Its afternoon now and all the bugs will be out." He quickly shut up and we rode back to the Mystery Shack in silence.

It wasn't an awkward silence. More an 'I-know-exactly-what-you're-thinking-and-I-don't-want-to-say-it-out-loud-either' type of silence. We were thinking about all the things that could go wrong. We had no clue what might wait for us in another dimension. Here was high possibility of failure and even higher of death. I wasn't exactly going to be a fun trip across country, not that that's much fun with my family either. Then here was the matter of getting there. While I believed Ford could get us there the odds of us coming back were just as slim. And I only had until six tomorrow morning unless I found a way out of going... I'll get a job! "That's it!"

"What? Did figure out who the sweater is?" Mason's voice was slightly muffled by the wind but it still cut through with the help of my ear piece. I had almost forgotten he was even there.

"I know how I can stay here longer than tonight." This could be a challenge. "I'll have to talk to my mom about it first. You ready to meet my mother?"

"That question would be much scarier if it were your dad."

"Trust me. It wouldn't be." I pulled onto the main road of Gravity Falls and headed for the hotel. I pulled into the drive and turned off the key as all four of my sisters and my mom came out of the hotel.

**Mini Time Skip**

My mom laughed at me. "You believe a worthless girl like you can get a job and a place to stay before five a.m. tomorrow? Are you crazier than we thought?"

"I'm not crazy mom." I crossed my arms and glared at her. "I can get a job and a place to stay! And I can keep the hotel open!" I stopped my foot.

Mason was hiding out side but we'd still left out ear pieces in so we could talk. "Stay calm, Lillyin. You can do this."

I growled deeply but quietly. "If you don't believe I can do it then how about I prove it to you. I'll go out tonight and find a job and somewhere with another adult to stay. I can do this all by dinner time."

"Fine." My mom stood and crossed her own arms. "You think you're so grown up. You go find yourself a job and a place to stay for two weeks before six o' clock tonight. Have the person you're going to stay with call me on your phone. If you fail, you're going with us."

I grabbed my helmet off the coffee table. "Fine. I can do that." I jammed the helmet onto my head. "I'll be back for my stuff." I turned around and walked out of the motel, nearly running into Mason. "Sorry." I started my bike.

Mason didn't seem to care about me nearly plowing him over. "How are you supposed to find a job and a place to stay by six?" He got on the bike behind me.

"I got a little ahead of myself but it won't really matter. I need a job that I can easily blow off and a place to stay overnight. I have a key. I can go home after they leave." I started towards the Mystery Shack. "But if the plan works I won't have to worry too much because then I'll be in another dimension."

"I can talk Soos into giving you a job but I don't think you can stay with us. We don't really have the room." His voice was relaxed just like his grip. After riding with me all day, he seemed to have gotten used to it.

"Thanks." I pulled into the Mystery Shack parking lot as a gnome scurried by in front of it. I turned off the bike and let Mason off first before swinging my leg over the bike. "Let's go talk to Ford now." We took off our helmets and ear pieces and carried them in with us. We set them on the living room couch before Mason led me to an underground lab that was hidden behind a pop machine.

Ford was there but I was more impressed by all the technology that lined the walls. By the time we had reached Ford at the bottom of a flight of stairs, my cuts had started to burn. While Masson explained what was going on, I took off the riding gloves and the tight gauze I'd wrapped around the cuts this morning. I'd cleaned it before so it wouldn't get infected. It was bright red but it wasn't bleeding.

It appeared Ford noticed it the moment the bandage was off. He was staring at me. "What happened, Lillyin? I thought you said you stopped that?"

Then I remembered I hadn't told Mason about what happened. "Lucy happened. She got to me again last night..."

Then I launched into an explanation of what happened.

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