icy blue eyes

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So far this week and the next seem to be solely for the purpose of pre-tour. Tyler and Josh have been practicing non-stop at Tyler's house (which I've gotten to watch. It's insanely cool). Josh quit his job without another thought so he could have time for it. He's been practicing constantly, and I've had to calm his nerves more than once when he couldn't get a rhythm right or kept messing up this one beat.

However, today Josh and Tyler decided to have a "guy day." Translation: They would go around doing stupid pointless stuff, trying to have one day where they don't stress out about tour. It partially works. Either way, I had to go to Aris's party, and I swear I could hear my heartbeat in my ears I was so nervous.

Part of me was hoping Josh wouldn't let me go, but the other part of me hoped he would, which is why I asked him in front of Tyler. I couldn't flake again, and Tyler wasn't overly-protective like Josh.

So it was about eleven a.m, and I was standing in the doorframe preparing to say goodbye.

"Alright, anything else before Tyler and I go?" Josh double checked again.

"Um, actually..." I could see Josh's eyes go wide. I'd never actually followed that question up before. "My friends are hanging out tonight. I know how to get there by foot, it isn't far. Can I go?"

Josh's brown eyes practically bugged out of his skull. "Why didn't you tell me before?" he asked, panicking slightly. "When are you going?"

"Ten p.m," I answered shyly, holding my hands behind my back and looking at my feet.

"No way," Josh shook his head, "That's way too late. You can't walk in Los Angeles that late at night. Who knows what could happen to you-" Tyler cut off his rambling.

"Come on, Josh," Tyler argued pointedly, "she's old enough to handle herself. She did it before you took care of her, and she's a good kid. She'll be safe, I promise."

I looked up hopefully at Josh. He bit his lower lip and looked between Tyler and I. Finally, he sighed, "Fine. But call me before you leave, when you get there, and when you're leaving so I can pick you up. Okay?"

I laughed a little, "Okay. I promise."

He nodded, taking a deep breath, "Alright. Be safe, Lynn."

"I will!" I replied happily before they turned away.

Tyler looked back at me and gave me a wink, mouthing a 'you're welcome.' I laughed a little and mouthed a 'thank you' back.

Thank god for Tyler.


I stood in my Pink-Floyd muscle-tee, and high-waisted, spotty blue jeans. My long, light brown hair was pulled into a messy bun behind my head, and wisps of hair lazily blew in front of my face, highlighted under flickering street lamps. Worn combat boots stood and faced the old concrete apartment complex where Aris lived.

It felt so weird, being back here. I wasn't sure if I missed it or was scared of it. I sighed, unlocking my phone and calling Josh. He picked up immediately.

"Hey Josh, I'm here," I let him know.

"Okay, that's good. If you need me, call me, okay? If things get out of hand or-" I heard Tyler tease him in the background. He sighed, "Okay, thanks for letting me know."

I laughed, "Alright, I'll be safe. Bye, Josh."

I hung up the phone and took a deep breath, walking up the steps and knocking on Aris's old apartment door.

A short, olive-skinned girl answered. Her curly, raven-black hair fell just at her shoulders, and her lively green eyes widened when they landed on me. "You made it!" she almost screamed, hugging me. She lowered her voice, smirking, "Ryan's here, too."

Glowing Eyes || Adopted by Josh DunWhere stories live. Discover now