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I woke up early that morning. I wasn't sure why, but my philosophy is that everything happens for a reason. I wasn't sure, at the time, why the world insisted on waking me up at four in the morning, but it did.

I was wide awake, sitting on the tour bus couch as lazy, morning sunlight filtered through the window. I had been on my phone for a while, but now I was just watching the sun slowly creep above the horizon.

My stomach growled, and I sighed, knowing there wasn't any food on the tour bus at the time. I tip-toed over to Josh's bunk. His cheek was pressed against his sheets, and bright pink hair fell over his face; his eyes closed calmly shut as he took soft, slow breaths.

I carefully nudged him awake. He groaned a little, yawning and looking up at me through tired eyes. "Lynn? What's up?"

"Hey, I'm hungry and it's really early. Is it okay if I go pick something up from that cafe we went to yesterday?" I whispered.

He rubbed his eyes, propping himself up on his elbows. "I'm not sure. We're all the way in Seattle. If you get lost or hurt..." he trailed off. "Can you just wait for me to get up so that I can go with you?"

I shook my head, "I don't want to wake you up this early. And it's just a block down the street, I'll be fine, I swear."

"But what if--"

"Come on, Josh. Please?" I begged.

He sighed, smiling lazily, "Okay, just be safe. There's some money on the counter."

"Thanks," I smiled, and immediately headed off, my stomach pleading for food.

I hopped down from the bus, shutting the door behind me and breathing in the crisp, fall air. I smiled, a skip in my step as I walked down the beautiful Seattle streets. I loved cities (probably due to the fact that I had lived in them my entire life) but there was something especially interesting about cities I had never been to.

Each is like it's own life-form. Going from one to the other is like switching countries in a few ways, and I couldn't get enough of traveling. The people all acted differently, dressed differently, greeted you differently. The change was refreshing.

I shoved my hands in my pockets, walking through the small crowds on pristine sidewalks, the coffee shop in sight. Sunlight beamed on my face, warming my cold skin caressed by the cold touch of autumn. I felt happy. Really happy.

Someone called my name. Barely a whisper, maybe the wind even, but it sounded familiar. I turned around, stopping and letting the fluid rush of people walk past me. I spun, trying to spot a familiar face. Instead, a familiar face found me.

A hand gently touched my shoulder, making me jump as I flipped around to meet them. My jaw dropped as my eyes fell on a lanky figure, pale and thin by nature. His eyes sparkled as he smiled at me. "Lynn?"

"Linus?" I gasped, hugging him tightly.

He laughed, picking me up a little, like always, before putting me back down.

I stepped back to get a better look at him, shaking my head in disbelief. "Oh my god, what happened to you? Where have you been?"

Linus laughed a little, "Long story. Very long story. I've been looking everywhere for you, but I can't exactly talk out here," he shifted a little, looking around nervously. "Can we go back to where I'm staying?"

"Yeah, of course!" I smiled and followed him down the street.

Linus had been best friends with my brother since they were little kids, and I had gotten to know him pretty well since then. The only thing he shared in common with my brother was his sense of humor, but other than that, they couldn't be more different.

Glowing Eyes || Adopted by Josh DunWhere stories live. Discover now