happy birthday, lynn

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Lynn's POV

Jenna and I danced to songs we'd never heard before for what felt like hours. We had managed to move pretty close to the stage, and were jumping around in between the tightly packed bodies of the mosh pit.

Jenna's blond hair bounced over her shoulders, and my long, wavy chestnut hair flew in and out of my face. I eventually just let it down, and ignored the fact that it was getting incredibly knotty.

Jenna and I danced, sometimes twirling one or the other or doing some kind of dance together, but most of the time just jumping around like idiots. It was the most fun I'd ever had, and that's not an exaggeration.

After a couple of shows, Jenna turned to me. "Hey, do you want to get something to drink?" she asked. "I think I've sweat at least a gallon."

I nodded and laughed, "Same here."

We muscled our way out of the tight crowd and over to a concession stand. As we stood in line Jenna asked, "Hey, what time is it?"

"Uh..." I trailed off, pulling my phone out of my drawstring bag. I turned it on and read the bold, white numbers, "5:37."

"Awesome," she beamed, "once we get our stuff we'll have just enough time to get to the boys before they start their show."

I couldn't fight the smile that pulled at my lips. We moved forward in line as I admitted, "I'm really excited to see them perform. I've heard it's even better than when they practice in your basement."

Jenna laughed happily, "So much better."

We finally moved up to the concession stand counter, and Jenna got us both waters and two pretzels (one for Jenna and I, and one for Josh and Tyler).

Jenna and I nibbled off of our pretzel and exchanged light-hearted conversation as we headed backstage.

We met another husky, heavily tattooed guard blocking the backstage entrance. He didn't give Jenna a second glance, but eyes me precariously. I felt my cheeks redden a little when I realized fourteen-year-olds probably don't get backstage statuses very often.

"Wrist bands," he ordered more than asked.

Jenna and I held out our wrists adorned with blue wrist bands, and the guard let us through.

I followed Jenna's lead through some hallways, and through a door, which I assumed to be Josh and/or Tyler's dressing room.

We walked into the small room to find Josh and Tyler sitting on separate couches, aimlessly scrolling through their phones. I laughed lightly, what a surprise. They immediately looked up to see us and smiled.

Tyler got up and hugged his wife, smiling broadly, "Hey, Jen!"

Josh got up, too, smiling eagerly. "How do you like the festival?"

"It's amazing," I laughed, still feeding off of the energy of the place. "I've always wanted to go to one of these things." I gave him a weird look, "What's up with the war paint?"

He looked confused for a second before remembering he had huge red circles around his eyes, and Tyler had painted his arms and neck black. "Oh, yeah," he rubbed the back of his neck, "It's a show thing."

I nodded like I understood, and I kind of did (note the kind of) but decided to tease him. "Really dedicating yourselves to the emo, pun-rock vibe, huh?" I smirked.

"Yep," Josh laughed. "Rebellion's our thing."

I laughed a little at that and asked, "So, when are you guys going to start?"

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