the funeral

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Lynn's POV

In all honesty, I had never pictured this happening. Even after my mom died, planning and attending her funeral wasn't ever exactly on my mind. I wasn't sure if I still wanted to do it, but I knew Josh was right about it. At any rate, I knew he was only making me do this because he cared.

Since I didn't have a dress, let alone a black dress, Jenna and I had gone to the nearby mall to go find one. We figured Josh wouldn't be too much help with the whole dress thing, and since I wasn't exactly skilled in the dress choosing and buying department either, Jenna was the obvious choice. Plus, she was fun to be around, and I wanted to spend more time with her.

So that brings us here, to me standing in front of a dressing room mirror in a fit & flare black dress that felt odd on my body. I'd never worn a dress before, except when I was really little, maybe. I didn't hate it, though.

I looked at my reflection quizzically, turning around slightly.

"What do you think?" Jenna asked expectantly, blue eyes wide.

"I'm not sure, it doesn't seem like something I would wear," I admitted, albeit sheepishly. I turned to her, "Can I try the other one?"

"Definitely," Jenna smiled warmly, and I pulled my hair over my shoulder so she could unzip my dress. "And I agree with you," she added over my shoulder. "It doesn't look very you to me."

It felt weird, having a motherly figure do something a mother would do. Trying on dresses. I quietly slipped out of one dress and into the other, noticing that the odd feeling wasn't that bad. The feeling was pretty good.

Jenna helped me zip into the other dress, and I turned to look at myself in the mirror. I paused, almost taken aback by my reflection.

Jenna smiled wildly at me, "I know I shouldn't give my opinion until you've said yours, but you look amazing in this one."

I turned around slightly, looking over at myself. I felt myself smile a little, too. I didn't look bad. I actually looked kind of... good. I looked over to the blond-haired woman, her smile infectious and spreading to my own lips, "I like this one."

Jenna smiled, "Me too."

And so it was decided. We checked out the dress (which costed way more than a piece of clothing should) and decided to walk around the mall afterwards.

"So where do you want to go?" Jenna asked me excitedly.

I laughed a little, kind of overwhelmed as my eyes scanned over stores I didn't recognize. "I have no idea. Where do you usually go?"

Jenna shrugged, "Most places. Ooh," she was cut off when she caught sight of a store. "Let's try this one."

I followed her into the small shop she had pointed out, and looked over the clothes. They all looked like something Jenna would wear (which definitely wasn't a bad thing - at all).

We casually thumbed through clothes, Jenna occasionally pointing out something she thought would look good on me, holding it up to me and asking my opinion.

Eventually we both had a generous pile of clothes, and headed for the second time that day to the dressing rooms.

I actually felt like a girl for once, and Jenna and I went back and forth comparing clothes until we had narrowed our piles down to only a few things.

We continued around the mall, laughing and talking about absolutely nothing as we ate pretzels and tried on clothes that we knew we wouldn't buy, but were fun to try on anyway.

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