interviews and conversation

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We were finally on our way back to LA (not to end the tour, just taking a break for two weeks), but we had to make a stop for an interview. With iHeartRadio.

If you don't know iHeartRadio I'm almost positive you live under an actual rock, but I'll fill you in. It's somewhere around the most popular radio station in the US and UK, and getting interviewed by them is a huge honor.

So, naturally, when Josh told me that Twenty One Pilots had an interview with iHeartRadio, I lost it. Josh and Tyler found this hilarious, and offered to let me watch the interview with Jenna. I'm sure you already know what my answer was.

So that brings us here, in the lobby to iHeartRadio's personal skyscraper. My eyes scanned over the room, trying to take it all in.

There were plush leather armchairs, all accompanied by small coffee tables with old records as table tops. Records, guitars, signed photos, and every other piece of memorabilia imaginable lined the walls.

My fingers tapped some rhythm stuck in my head on my armchair as I tried to breathe in the atmosphere; as if some sort of virus containing musical talent hung in the air.

Josh laughed, and I looked over to see the pink-haired man's eyes on me. "I think you're more excited about this than I am," he teased, smiling.

My cheeks turned slightly pink and I laughed, "How could you tell?"

Before Josh could return a sarcastic comment, a tall woman with glasses perched on the edge of her nose and a clipboard in hand walked into the room. She cleared her throat, "Josh and Tyler?"

Tyler, Josh, Jenna, and I all stood up, and the woman smiled warmly over at us. "Right this way," she ushered us, heading down the long hallway and stepping into an elevator.

Once we had reached the tenth floor, the elevator slowed to a stop and we walked out into an entirely new hallway. It basked in warm light (courtesy of the open windows on either side of the hallway), and it had even more memorabilia on the walls than the lobby. It was exactly how I imagined it, and I could hardly speak.

So, I just followed the woman leading us, and we ended up into a smaller room. Lighting and cameras were already set up at every angle imaginable, along with a crew behind each.

The interviewer, a man with black hair and electric blue eyes that couldn't have been more than twenty-five years old, smiled and stood up to greet them.

"Hey, it's great to meet you guys!" he smiled broadly, and walked up to hug them both.

After exchanging short hugs Tyler nodded, "It's great to be here."

"Awesome," the interviewer looked between them both, "So, if we're ready, we can get this sho on the road."

Tyler and Josh exchanged looks before nodding. "I think so," Josh smiled back at me.

A mixture of excitement and pride and everything in between built in my chest, and I smiled back, before following Jenna to a chair behind the cameras.

As we sat down, the interviewer turned to Tyler and Josh and dived right in. He started with the typical introductions, explaining their music and asking them the usual questions. Where the band started, where they see the band going, pointing out some of the odd things about the band.

I had heard all of the questions before, and knew all of the answers, but I had never payed closer attention to anything in my life. I hung onto every word like each syllable was sugar.

Then, a series of questions came up that I wasn't expecting.

"So, Josh," the interviewer began, leaning forward ever so slightly, "we all know Tyler's married, but some fans are still wondering about your relationship status. Are you and Debby Ryan still together?"

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