joy in the small things

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No matter how much I loved the shows, I have to admit; my favorite parts of tour were the small breaks in between. Every once in a while we had two day intervals that weren't long enough to fly home for, so we just stayed at whatever city we had been to last.

In late October, we were stuck in Seattle for a few days. Sorry, that's an awfully negative way to put it. You know what I meant. But back to the point.

Jenna, Tyler, Josh, and I were all decorating the tour bus with cheap, dollar store Halloween decorations to get into spirit. Jenna had Halloween music playing from her phone on a small speaker, and we happily set up paper signs and cotton cobwebs in every inch we could.

I had a bunch of cartoon-ish spiders to hang from the ceiling in my hand as I searched the bus for something to stand on. I sighed in exasperation, turning to Josh (who still had an alien mask pushed up on top of his head after we bought it for fun) and asked, "Is there a chair or stool or something I could move around?"

He thought about it for a split second before shaking his head, "Don't think so. Why do you ask?"

I held the paper spiders out in between us, "I want to hang these on the ceiling, but, you know, there are height challenges."

Josh laughed a little, "You can just get on my shoulders if you want."

I mockingly dropped my shoulders and sighed, laughing in spite of it, "How did I not think of that?"

Tyler poked me in the ribs a little as he walked past, putting cobwebs on the windowsills. "You aren't the smartest kid," Tyler said pointedly, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh screw you," I laughed, poking harshly at his ribs the same way he had.

He jerked away from the jab. "Ouch," he laughed, pulling the witch's hat I was wearing down in front of my eyes.

I pulled the brim of the black hat back up, sticking my tongue out at him.

Josh laughed heartily, his eyes squinting at the edges. Getting down on his knees so that I could reach his shoulders. "Your chariot awaits," he mocked.

I laughed, sitting down on one of his shoulders. He held tight onto each of my legs to keep me stable, and shot back up into a standing position.

I yelped in surprise, clawing desperately for something to hold on to. I settled for Josh's head, and had hunkered down over it, one hand on his neck, the other covering his eyes.

"I'm going to fall, I'm going to fall!" I exclaimed as I teetered back and forth on his shoulder.

Josh laughed, and I could feel his chest bubble through my thighs. "Lynn, I've got you, calm down. But being able to see would help."

"Oh, right," I sheepishly took my hands away from his eyes.

Josh held onto my legs as I pinned the paper spiders up to the wall; Jenna handing me the push pins. Every once in a while Josh would purposefully drop down about a foot at random moments, making me jump and drop everything in my hands. Either that or he'd start leaning left and right, making me scramble to keep my balance. Josh always kept me steady, though. He wouldn't commit far enough into scaring me that he would risk letting me fall.

I put the last spider up, sticking my tongue out slightly as I tried to get the push pin to pierce through the thin, elastic string the spider was connected to. Finally, I got it. Smiling with satisfaction, I announced, "We are done!"

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